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《Learning MySQL 文字版》Hugh E Williams编著

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Get a Handle on Your DataLearningMyLO'REILLYSeyed M.M."Saied"TabagbogbiG Hugb E.WilliamsDatabase/Web ProgrammingO'REILLYLearning MyLWhether you're running a business,keeping track of members and meetings for a club,or just trying to organize a large and diverse collection of infortion,you'll find theMySOL database engine to be a lifelong friend.And there's no better way to keMyL work for you than Learning MySOL.This densely packed tutorial includesdetailed instructions to help you set up and design an effective database,create powerful queriesusing L,configure MyL for improved security,and glean useful infortion from your data.After covering the basics,Learning MySOL travels far into MyI's subtleties,including complexqueries and joins,how to interact with the database over the Web using PHP or Perl,and importanthousekeeping such as backups and security.Topics include:Installation on Linux,Windows,and Mac OS XBasic and advanced querying using LUser nagement and securityBackups and recoveryTuning for improved efficiencyComnd-line and web database applications using the PHP and Perl programming languagesMyL is the most popular open source database,offering the power of a fully relational database ina package that's easy to set up and administer.Whether you've never touched a database or havealready completed some MyL projects,you'll find insights in Learning MySOL that will last a career.Saied Tahaghoghi is a senior lecturer at the RMIT University School of Computer Science andInfortion Technology,and he is a member of the RMIT Search Engine Group,where he supervisesresearch on text,ige,video,and code retrieval.Hugh E.Williams is a software design engineer at Microsoft's Windows Live Search in Redmond,Washington.He's published over 70 research papers and holds several patents,mostly in the searchengine area..oreillyCAN $58.991sBN:978-0-596-00864-254499SafariIncludesBOOKS ONLINEFREE 45-Day9780596008642ENABLEDOnline Edition