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《Agile Web Development with Rails 4th edition文字版》S Ruby

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ThePragticProgrammersAgile WebDevelopmentwith RailsFourth EditionSam RubyDave ThosDavid Heinemeier Hanssonwith Leon Breedt.Mike Claric.Justin Gehtland.RAILSThe Facetsof Ruby SeriesImportant InfortionAbout Rails VersionsRAILSThis book is written for Rails 3.The Rails core team is continuing to work on Rails.From time to time.newreleases y introduce incompatibilities for applications written for priorversions of Rails,including the code in this book.To run the examples provided in this book,it is important that you installthe correct version of Rails,as described in Chapter 1.Installing Rails,onpage 24To determine the version of Rails that you are running.you can issue raiks-vat a comnd prompt.Infortion on changes to Rails that affect this book can be found at :/.pragprog/wikis/wiki/ChangesToRails.Sam,Dave,and DavidDownload from Wow!eBook <.wowebook>When I started learing Ruby on Rails.I read the first edition of this book.Its holistic view of the Rails framework and community provides any newdeveloper the kick start they need to a highly successful career.After readingthrough the latest edition cover to cover.I can happily say that it continuesthat trend and reins the first book I recommend to any new Rails devel-oper.Mikel LindsaarRails core commit team,creator of the Ruby Mail library,anddirector.RubyXAgile Web Development with Rails does an excellent job of king the Railsenvironment accessible in an enjoyable and memorable way.In addition,thiook is the first I've seen that provides a sensible and coherent explanationof the MVC pattern.and it does so in a natural progression using examplesthat completely remove any mystery.Ken CoarAuthor.open software evangelist.and Apache developerAgile Web Development with Rails successfully straddles a fine line betweenbeing a fun-to-read introduction to Rails (and Ruby)and a straightforwardguide to some advanced features of the platform.nicely supplanting the ever-changing online documentation.Glen DanielsIndependent technologist and consultantI've never read a programming book as successful as Agile Web Developmentwith Rails.Sam de learning Ruby on Rails easyprehensive,and fun.Keith BallingerChairn of WS-I's first Basic Profile working group:author:andkey contributor to the NET and Visual Studio.NET frameworks