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《Head First Wordpress》Jeff Siarto

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《Head First Wordpress》Jeff Siarto
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Praise for other Head First books"Building websites has definitely become more than just writing code.Head Finst Web Design shows youwhat you need to know to give your users an appealing and satisfying experience.Another great HeadFirst book!”-Sarah CollingsUser experience software engineer"Head First Web Design really demystifies the web design process and kes it possible for any webprogrammer to give it a try.For a web developer who has not taken web design classes,Head Finst WebDesign confirmed and clarified a lot of theory and best practices that seem to be just assumed in thisindustry.”一Ashley DoughtySenior web developer"I Head First HTML with CSS XHTML-it teaches you everything you need to learn in a'fun-coated'fort!!”-Sally ApplinUI designer and artist"The Web would be a much better place if every HTML author start off by reading Head Finst HTML-L.David BarronTechnical Lead,Layout CSS,Mozilla Corporation"Head Fint HTML with CSS XHTML is a thoroughly modern introduction to forward-looking practicesin web page rkup and presentation.It correctly anticipates readers'puzzlements and handles themjust in time.The highly graphic and incremental approach precisely mimics the best way to learn thisstuff:ke a all change and see it in the browser to understand what each new item means."-Danny GoodnAuthor of Dynamic HTML:The Definitive Guide"Oh great,you de an XHTML book simple enough a CEO can understand it.What will you do next?Accounting simple enough my developer can understand it?Next thing you know we'll be collaboratingas a team or something.”-Janice FraserCEO,Adaptive PathPraise for other Head First books"Behind the Ajax ball?Get out of the shadows with Head Finst Ajax.You'll wrap your mind around thecore concepts,and have some fun in the process."一Bear BibeaultWeb application architect"Ajax is more than just revisiting existing technologies,king some all changes to your webapplication and then delcaring it Ajax-enabled.Rebecca M.Riordan walks you through all of the stepsof building an Ajax application in Head Fint Ajax,and shows you that Ajax is more than 'that littleasynchronous part',but a better approach to web design altogether."-Anthony T.HoldenerⅢ"Head Fint Design Patterns nages to mix fun,belly laughs,insight,technical depth and great practicaladvice in one entertaining and thought-provoking read."-Richard HelmCoauthor of Design Patterns"Head First Design Patterns is close to perfect,because of the way it combines expertise and readability.Itspeaks with authority and it reads beautifully.It's one of the very few software books I've ever read thatstrikes me as indispensable.(I'd put ybe 10 books in this category,at the outside.)"-David GelernterProfessor of Computer Science,Yale University"Head Fint Rails continues the tradition of the Head First series,providing useful,real-world infortionto get you up and going quickly.[It]is an excellent book for people learning Rails,as well as thosebrushing up on the latest features."-Jeremy DurhamWeb developer"Head Finst Rails is a great,broad introduction to iterative Web 2.0 development.This book will show youhow quick and easy it is to develop robust,next-generation websites."一Matt ProudSystems administrator and developer