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《Oxford Word Skills Basic牛津词典初级》Ruth Gairns

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《Oxford Word Skills Basic牛津词典初级》Ruth Gairns
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ContentsAhashareAcknowledgements7Introduction8Starter unitHow to use a unit10How to learn new words11How to do the exercises12Abbreviations and symbols13Basic English1 I can understand and say numbers142 I can tell thetime153 I can say days and dates164 Ican say countries and nationalities185 I can use classroom vocabulary206 I can use English languagewords217 I can ask and answer questions about language22Review23People8 Ican give personal infortion262710 I can talk aboutmy family2811 I can describe physical actions3012 I can nameparts ofthebody3213 I candescribe people3314 I can talk about character3615 I can describe relationships3816 I cansay how I feel40Review42CONTENTS3Everyday life17 I can describe myroutine4618 I can talk aboutclothes4919 Ican buy clothes5120 Ican talk about money5421 I can talk about the weather5622 1 can talk about illness5823 I can gethelp at the chemist's60Review61Food and drink24 I can name meat and fish6525 I can name fruit and vegetables6626 I can buy food in a shop6827 I can order in a cafe7128 I can order in a restaurant72Review75Getting around29 I can getaround on buses7830 I can get around on trains8031 I can ask for and givedirections8232 I can talk aboutroads and traffic8433 I can understand signs and notices86Review87Places34 Ican talk aboutmy country9035 I can talk aboutmy town9136 I can describe the countryside9437 I can talk about shops9638 Ican talk about my home9839 I can describe a kitchen10040 I can describe a bedroom and bathroom10241 I can describe a living room104Review105CONTENTS