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《Build Your Own ASP NET 4 Web Site Using C# & VB 4th edition文字版》Wyatt Barnett

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《Build Your Own ASP NET 4 Web Site Using C# & VB 4th edition文字版》Wyatt Barnett
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sitepointBUILD YOUR OWNASPNET 4 WEBSITEUSING C VBBY CRISTIAN DARIEWYATT BARNETTTIM POSEY4TH EDITIONivBuild Your Own ASP.NET 4 Website Using C#Et VBby Cristian Darie,Wyatt Barnett,and Tim PoseyCopyright 2011 SitePoint Pty.Ltd.Expert Reviewer:Pranav RastogiEditor:Sarah BroomhallProduct Editor:Simon MackieIndex Editor:Michelle CombsTechnical Editor:Ricky OnanCover Design:Alex WalkerPrinting History:Latest Update:Fourth Edition:SeptemberFirst Edition:April 20042011Second Edition:October 2006Third Edition:September 2008Notice of RightsAll rights reserved.No part of this book y be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system or tranittedin any form or by any means,without the prior written permission of the publisher,except in the caseof brief quotations embod in critical articles or reviews.Notice of LiabilityThe author and publisher have de every effort to ensure the accuracy of the infortion herein.However,the infortion contained in this book is sold without warranty,either express or implied.Neither the authors and SitePoint Pty.Ltd.,nor its dealers or distributors,will be held liable for anydages to be caused either directly or indirectly by the instructions contained in this book,or by thesoftware or hardware products described herein.Traderk NoticeRather than indicating every occurrence of a traderked name as such,this book uses the names onlyin an editorial fashion and to the benefit of the traderk owner with no intention of infringement ofthe traderk.sitepointPublished by SitePoint Pty.Ltd.48 Cambridge Street CollingwoodVIC Australia 3066.Web:.sitepointEil:business@sitepointISBN978-0-9870908-6-7(print)ISBN978-0-9871530-3-6(ebook)Printed and bound in the United States of America