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《Data Vizualisation with JavaScript》Stephen A. Thomas

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《Data Vizualisation with JavaScript》Stephen A. Thomas
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Data Visualizationwith JavaScriptSTEPHEN A.THOMASno starchpressDATA VISUALIZATION WITH JASCRIPT.Copyright 2015 by Stephen A.Thos.All rights reserved.No part of this work y be reproduced or tranitted in any form or by any means,electronic or mechanical,including photocopying,recording,or by any infortion storage or retrieval system,without the prior written permission of thecopyright owner and the publisher.Printed in USAFirst printing19181716151234567891SBN-10:1-59327-605-21SBN-13:978.1-59327-605-8Publisher:William PollockProduction Editor:Laurel ChunCover lllustration:Beth MiddleworthDevelopmental Editor:Seph KramerTechnical Reviewer:Christopher KeenCopyeditor:Rachel MonaghanCompositor:Lynn L'HeureuxProofreader:Emelie BurnetteIndexer:BIM Indexing Proofreading ServicesThe visualization on the cover is inspired by the work of Mike Bostock.It is described in "Creating a Unique Visualization"on page 252.For infortion on distribution,translations,or bulk sales,please contact No Starch Press,Inc.directly:No Starch Press,Inc.245 8th Street,San Francisco,CA94103phone:415.863.9900;info@nostarch.nostarchThe Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataThos,Stephen A.,1962-Data visualization with JavaScript by Stephen A.Thos.pages cmISBN978-1-59327-605-8--ISBN1-59327-605-21.Infortion visualization--Data processing.2.JavaScript (Computer program language)I.Title.0A76.9.I52T462015005.2'762--dc232014039759No Starch Press and the No Starch Press logo are registered traderks of No Starch Press,Inc.Other product and company nameentioned herein y be the traderks of their respective owners.Rather than use a traderk symbol with every occurrence of atraderked name,we are using the names only in an editorial fashion and to the benefit of the traderk owner,with no intentionof infringement of the traderk.The infortion in this book is distributed on an "As Is"basis,without warranty.While every precaution has been taken in thepreparation of this work,neither the author nor No Starch Press,Inc.shall have any liability to any person or entity with respect toany loss or dage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the infortion contained in it.