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《Metaprogramming Ruby 2 Program Like the Ruby Pros》Paolo Perrotta

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《Metaprogramming Ruby 2 Program Like the Ruby Pros》Paolo Perrotta
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If you want to follow the path of Ruby metaprogramming stery,then this bookis the best companion you can think of,no tter what your level is.I hadstruggled with Ruby metaprogramming for years until I read this book;now it allkes sense.>Fabien CatteauSoftware developer,Tech-AngelsThis is a book that everyone who wants to have a deeper understanding of theinner workings of Ruby and Ruby on Rails should read.The "spells"described inthis book are invaluable tools to understand and use Ruby to its full extent.Thisis not only about metaprogramming,but also about taking your Ruby programmingto a different level.Koas ChatzimichalisSoftware engineerI'm a huge Python fan,so I was supposed to disregard Ruby.Paolo de me ap-preciate it.Not only is Metaprogramming Ruby the book that allowed me to wrapmy head around this esoteric and fascinating topic,but it also de me rethinkthe way I write code in other languages.>Arialdo MartiniProgrammer,JobRapidoThis book uncovers all the ins and outs of the art of metaprogramming in Ruby,with a no-nonsense approach and an irony that transpires from vibrant prose,never boring.without compromising any of its insightfulness.MetaprogrammingRuby is one of those books that any serious Rubyist (and even the pros)will wantto revisit from time to time.Piergiuliano BossiPrincipal engineer lead,PointsMetaprogramming Ruby has been a hugely influential book for me,especiallyduring a time when I wanted to leamn about the inner workings of Ruby.Paolo"Nusco"Perrotta de what is norlly a complex topic fun,enjoyable,and veryapproachable.>Josh KalderimisCEO,Travis CI