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《中国历史地图集 精装本 第四册 东晋十六国南北朝时期》谭其骧

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《中国历史地图集 精装本 第四册 东晋十六国南北朝时期》谭其骧
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四、魏北边诸镇具有政权性质,级别略与州相当,治所用特定符号表示,辖境范围因无可查据,但作表面注记于适当位置,不画界线。五、南朝宋、齐青、冀二州与梁、秦二州皆共一刺史,诸州郡县各有所辖,但因壤地错杂无法表示,故图中二州间不画界线,图面注记分别作青州冀州,梁州秦州。六、简图为南朝宋、梁、陈各一幅,北朝东、西魏、齐、周各一幅。宋以公元四六四年(大明八年)为准;其余六幅年代皆与全图同。此外,又有四四九年的西域图一幅,包括其时的北魏辖地和境外诸国;又北边柔然等部一幅反映公元四四九年情况。宋图画出州界、州治和大部分郡治和少数县治;梁、陈,东魏、西魏、齐、周不画州、郡界,画出大部分州治和一部分郡治、少数县治;山川地名择要入图。七、插图为南齐、北魏首都建康、洛阳附近扩大图各一幅,又齐成都、龙编附近,魏营州、长安、姑减抱罕附近扩大图各一幅。The Compiling Principles for the Eastern Jinand 16 Kingdoms Period Map-Group1.This p-group consists of one general p,six simplified ps and five insets.2.The general p has on it the territorial situation(382 A.D.)on the eve of the famousFei Shui (Battle between the Former Qin (and the Eastern Jin ()and the borderminorities outside the two warring states at that time.The seats of Zhou and (inside them are drawn on a selective-basis.Mountains.rivers and other geographical elementswith a justifiable importance are also indicated.3.Like the general p,the simplified p for the Eastern Jin treats all the seats of Zhouand and Zhou-borderlines except in the lower reaches of Changjiang River (the YangtseRiver),where the Qiao (those .away from their original place.often in the North.that resided otherwise,often in the South.as the result of a special administrative arrangement.But,in fact,some of them existed only in name.)and local formed an intricate pattern thatallows only part of the above elements to appear.And a few Xian-seats,mountains,rivers andother geographical elements are also drawn in addition.4.The Sixteen Kingdoms are arranged into five groups in the former of five simplifiedps,according to the temporal precedence,i.e.the second year of Xian He (Period,Jin(327 A.D.);the first year of Tai He (Period,Jin (366 A.D.);the seventh year of Tai Yuan(太元)Period,Jin(382A.D.;the twentieth year of Tai Yuan(太元)Period,Jin(395A.D.thefifth year of Yi Xi(義熙)Period.Jin(409A.D).Apart from two Zhao(趙,three Qin(秦),four Yan(燕,five Liang(凉,Cheng(成)and Xia(夏,the contemporary Dai(代),Wei(魏).Qiu Chi(仇池),Murong(幕容),Yuwen(字文),Duan Bu(段部),etc.also appear on theps.Each of them appears at least once while Former Liang,Former,Later and Western Qinand Wei appear twice.Border lines between these regimes are drawn,but not those between theadministration areas within a regime.The seats of some Zhou and and several Xian arerked at the discretion of the compilers.Mountains,rivers and other geographical elementswith a justifiable importance are indicated.5.There are five insets,four being the reduced ps for the areas in the Western Regions(respectively under the jurisdiction of Former Liang.Former Qin,Later Liang.WesternLiang and one being the enlarged p for part of Former Qin.The Compiling Principles for the Southernand Northern Dynasties Period Map-Group1.This p-group consists of four general py,sixteen component ps.ninesimplified ps and seven insets.2.The general ps are respectively for 1)Song-Wei (Period at the year of 449A.D.:i.e.the fwenty-six year of Yuan Jia (Period,Song.or the tenth year of Tai Ping Zhen(太平真君)Period,Wei;2)Qi-Wci(停,魏)Period at the year of497A.D.:i.e.the fourth yearof Jian Wu(建t)Period,Qi,or the twenty-first year of Tai He(大和,Wei;3)Liang-EasternWei-Western Wei(,束槐,西魏)Period at the year of546A.D.;i.e.the first year of Zhong DaTong(中大同)Period,Liang,.or the fourth year of Wu Ding(定),Eastern Wei,.or thetwelfth year of Da Tong(大統),Western Wei:4)Chen-Qi-Zhou(陳、摩、周Period at the year of572 A.D.;i.e.the fourth year of Tai Jian (Period,Chen.or the third year of Wu Ping(武平)Period,Qi,or the first year of Jian De(建德)Period.,Zhou.Found on these ps are thegeneral territorial situation at the time of the central China regimes and border minoritiesoutside them,some of the central China Zhou..Xian seats as well as mountains.rivers andother geographical elements with a justifiable importance.3.There are nine component ps for (Southern)Qi and seven component ps for