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AbstractThe issue of the view on science is always an important one in the field ofscientific philosophy.Nowadays,there are different viewpoints on thereasonability and the legiticy of science.The debate between scientificreali and anti-scientific reali is becoming more and more sharply,so isthe debate between social constructional and post-social constructional on theproduction,dissemination and acceptance of scientific knowledge.All theseke the study of the view on science a hotly issue in today's field of scientificphilosophy.Guided by Marx's view of scientific praxis and based on the fact ofscientific activity,it is discussed in the paper about the view on science.Firstly,they are discussed in the paper about the views of ontology,thecognition,and property on science,and accordingly,we criticize the currentviews on science in order try to erect a new view on science.It is inly discussed in the paper that the issue of view on science fromthe following aspects:1.The view of ontology on science.The view on ontology of science isthe key point of forming the view on science.Marx believed that the nature isno exist to hun being if it is no relations with hun being,and theperceptual world is historic outcome,He also stated that hun should learnthings from their own relationships.According to the ideas of Marx,we2科学的本质与限度一一马克思实践视城下科学观问题研究believe that the objects of study in science are perceptually exist,theachievements in scientific research are the perceptually relationships,andtheories of science are used for explaining and foreseeing the relationshipsamong subject and object.2.The view of the cognition on science.According to Marx's idea aboutthe relationship between science and society,the paper firmly believed thatsocial practice is the objective basic;the dynamic property of cognition is thebasic rule for the produce of scientific knowledge;and unit of the truth,thegood and the beauty is the methodological rule.According to Marx's ideas asabove,we believe that experiential facts are the logical basic for theconstruction of scientific knowledge,the justification of scientific knowledge isnecessary requirement to accept scientific knowledge.According to those wehave discussed as above,we have also discussed the problem aboutexperiential facts becoming little and less while we building scientificknowledge.In addition what we have discussed as above,we also point outthat logical and thetics are important tools,and individual cognition isthe logical premise to ke scientific knowledge.3.The view of property on science.According to Marx's ideas and therealities practice of science,we believed that the basic of science is hunbeing,and the purpose of science is to meet hun being dends insubsisting and developing by explaining realistic world.The finally purpose ofscience is to ke people liberation and ,and it is not only know theprofound mystery of the perceptually world,it also is not only acquire theknowledge about the perceptually world.And because of science as an actionof people's practice and one form of the exist about people,it is pointed in thepaper that science posses those properties as follow:subject property,objectproperty,hunities property and social property.4.The critic of the view on science.With the ysis of scientificproperty under Marx's view of praxis,we criticized the existing views onscience in this part.It is pointed in the part that the wrong source of