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《汉语语言文字启蒙2》JoelBellassen 张朋朋编

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《汉语语言文字启蒙2》JoelBellassen 张朋朋编
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Preface to the English EditionThe two volumes that ke up this method of learning Chinese were published inFrance at the end of 1989(1)and 1991 (II)respectively.They are intended for studentswith no previous knowledge of the language.We would like to express our gratitude to those colleagues in Gerny,America,England,China and Scandinavia who,acquainted with the French nuals,first putforth the idea of an English edition.Our thanks go to them for the continued interest theyhave shown in the present volumes,in which there is,no doubt,room for improvement.This interest,we feel,has been kindled by an entirely different conception of learningChinese.Departing from the usual form of teaching in vogue for the last forty years,thisnew approach is nevertheless intrinsically traditional,in that it shows a great respect for theoriginality of the Chinese language.In every aspect of life,only when we chose to look reality in the face,can we avoidencounters with conflict and disorder.In terms of learning Chinese,the written languageis not merely a graphic duplicate of the oral sounds.Bearing this consideration in mind,Chinese students as well as their professors must adopt two separate approaches of thelanguage which consist of distinguishing two systems of logic of thought.Those twosystems are not identical and they y even conflict with each other.Meanwhile,onehas to keep in mind that the Chinese characters as fundamental unit of written languageshould always be entitles to a specific place and that is what I strove to do in this book.We would like to thank Mrs.Anne Alexis and Ms Jocelyne Finazzi for their attentiveediting.J.B.TABLE OF LESSONSLesson 1画龙点睛Add Eyes to the Drawing of a DragonLesson 2中国文字Chinese Writing11Lesson 3中国人的习惯Chinese CustomsLesson 4怕不怕鬼Are You Afraid of Ghosts?31Lesson 5中国人的名字(一)Chinese Given Names (1)41Lesson 6中国人的名字(二)Chinese Given Names (2)53Lesson 7有用和无用之间Useful and Useless63Lesson 8比老虎还利害Worse Than Tigers73Lesson 9古诗三首Three Old Poems83Lesson 10走马观花To Ride a Horse and Look at Flowers91Lesson 11杯弓蛇影To Mistake the Shadow of a Bow for a Snake 102Lesson 12Kong Yiji (Lu Xun)112Lesson 13读者来信(一)Letters to the Editor (1)122Lesson 14读者来信(二)Letters to the Editor (2)132Lesson 15春节Spring Festival142Lesson 16Beijing Opera155Lesson 17怎样写中文信How to Write a Letter in Chinese165Lesson 18以听觉为主还是以视觉为主Are You an Auditive or a Visual Person?175Lesson 19阴阳The Yin and the Yang185Lesson 20中医Chinese Medicine195Lesson 21The Crescent Moon (Lao She)207Lesson 22广告Advertisements217Lesson 23鲁迅Lu Xun227Lesson 24News Dispatches237Lesson 25北京土话A Lesson in Beijing Dialect247