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外商投资企业会计工作实用手册 下 中英文对照_赵顺 官岳著_7207061404

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外商投资企业会计工作实用手册 下 中英文对照_赵顺 官岳著_7207061404
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作者简介赵顺,现任上海某中美合资企业财务总监。1980年至1996年在国有大型企业中国第一重型机械集团公司财务会计处工作,1996年至今先后在大连兴企税务师事务所任税务代理部部长、大连宁格仕高尔夫俱乐部有限公司(中日合资)及大连福菜柔版制版有限公司(中德合资)任财务经理。The writerZhao Shun,chief financial officer (CFO),now works at a Sino-American Joint Venture in Shang-hai.Worked in the division of financial accounting of China First Heavy Machinery Group Company whichbelongs to a large-sized state-owned enterprise from 1980 to 1996,was chief of Department of TaxAgency at Dalian Xingqi Certified Public Tax Collectors,was financial nager of Dalian Links Golf ClubCo.,Ltd.(Sino-Japanese Joint Venture)and Dalian Flexicon Reproduction Co.,Ltd.(Sino-GernJoint Venture)since 1996.译者简介官岳,现从事英语应用语言教学,英语应用语言研究生,国家“SLS方正模式”科研课题研究组主要负责人。The translatorGuan Yue,now engages in applied English language teaching,postgraduate joring in appliedEnglish language.a leading member in charge of SLS Focus Filtration group research project of the State.A UTILITY MANUAL OF ACCOUNTING WORKFOR FOREIGN INVESTMENT ENTERPRISESThe accounting nagement system dominates the basic position in modern enterprise nagement."Without rule,without square and cirele".as the Chinese old saying goes.The perfect nagement system of accounting in enterprise is theprerequisite and security for scientific and effective financial nagement.This book provides accounting administrators (in charge accountants.financial nagers and chief financial officers)with a complete set of sound and perfeet systems for accounting nagement inside enterprises.It condenses the author swork experience of ny years in foreign investment enterprises.And it is a practical encyclopedia and operational guide toyour routine financial nagement.Its contents include the following:1.Financial institution set-up and work responsibility:2.Guidelines for basic work in accounting practice:3.A system for approval offinancial payment and expense reimbursement:4.A system for monetary fund nagement:5.A system for wage accounting nagement:6.A system for nagement of cost and expense accounting:7.A system for inventory nagement:8.A system for assets nagement:9.A system for nagement of sales and accounts receivable;10.A system for financingand investment nagement:11.A system for accounting handover and archives nagement:12.A system for accounting computerization nagement.会计管理制度在现代企业管理中占据基础性地位。古语道:设有规矩,不成方圆。科学有效的财务管理,必须以健全的企业内部会计管理制度为的提和保证本册为会计管理工作者(会计主管.财务经理.财务总监)提供了一整套健金和完善的企业内部会计管理制度。它凝聚了作者多年外企会计工作经验,是您进行日帝财务管理的实用宝典和操作指有。其函盖内容如下:2.会计核算基础工作规范:3.财务支出审批及费用报销制度:4.货币资金管理制度:5.工资核算管理制度:8.资产管理制度:9.销售及应收账款管理制度:10.筹资与管理制度:11.会计交接及档案管理制度:12.会计电算化管理制度ISBN7-207-06140-4SBN7-207-06140-4/F:1°787207"061409"定价:160元(上下册)