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市场营销英语_Benedict Kruse Bettijune Kruse著 伍耿新编译_7560010830

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市场营销英语_Benedict Kruse Bettijune Kruse著 伍耿新编译_7560010830
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INTRODUCTIONThis book is for people in business or students of business who want to learnmore Egnlish for use in their jobs or in their stus.Since the words in thiook are used in business offices in the United States,the words and ideasshould be a practical help to people who will be visiting or doing business withcompanies in the United States.The book tells about one important part of business-rketing.Becauseall companies have to sell products or services,this book should help anyonewho knows about business to learn the words and methods used by people inthe United States.If you are a student,this book y also help you learnsomething about business and nagement.You can use this book by itself in a school.Your teacher will help you speakand write the words you learn.There are also two tape cassettes that you canuse with this book.The cassettes give you practice in listening to English and inspeaking English yourself.The cassettes also give you answers to some of thequestions in the written reviews in the book.If you are using the cassettes tohelp you learn about English in business,this is what you should do.Read the first chapter up to the written reviewDo all the exercises in the written review.Turn on the tape.Listen and follow instructions.Read the story in the first chapter.Use the tape again.Go on to the next chapter in the bookKeep reading and listening until you have finished the book and bothsides of the two cassettes.2CONTENTS(目录)1.EPHONE SALES(电话销售)Reading:“Talking”(交谈)2.OUTSIDE SALES(室外销售)12Reading:“Lunch”(午餐)3.PURCHASING(采购)22Reading:“Buying”(购买)4.CUSTOMER SERVICE(客户服务)38Reading:“Coffee”(咖啡)5.CREDIT(信用)…49Reading:“The Visit'”(访问)6.INVENTORY CONTROL(库存控制)60Reading:“Planning a Sale'”(制定销售计划)7.PRODUCT MANAGEMENT(产品管理)82Reading:“Quotas”(定额)8.ADVERTISING(广告宣传)…99Reading:“Campaigns”(运动)9.MARKET RESEARCH(市场调研)123Reading:“The Interview”(访谈)10.MANAGEMENT(管理)…138Reading:“People'”(人)附录:GLOSSARY(词汇)…147KEY TO WRITTEN REVIEW(书面复习参考答案)…173阅读材料参考译文……1813