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IV至1998年,毅伟管理学院拥有65名全职教授,他]每年负责教授600名普通课程的和在职行政管理人员课程的工商管理硕士生、300名本科生、40名博士生,以及范围宽广的非学位课程。毅伟管理学院的宏伟目标是凭借各种杰出的教学计划和在相关领域中优秀的研究记录,跻身于全世界十所最佳商学院的行列中。毅伟管理学院参与主要的海外达30年之久,并且最近又参与到亚洲(特别是中国)以及前苏联某些共和国的有关之中,这些正在为当地的管理学教育事业作出贡献。中国1984年是毅伟管理学院和中国的清华大学连续开始的第一年。我们承诺为中国学生来毅伟管理学院学习工商管理学硕士和博士做准备,与访问学者一起工作,提供在中国的短期教学指导,并帮助清华大学经济管理学院培养管理学教师人材。该的另一目的是毅伟管理学院借此进一步了解中国和中国的商业活动方式。在项日的第-一期过程中,撰写了35篇论文、案例和教学指南;有9名毅伟管理学院教授参加了短期的访华授课;12名中国访问学者分别在毅伟管理学院工作一年;培养了8名工商管理学硕士毕业生;所有来访的中方人员都参加了撰写案例的工作组。这一由加拿大一中国管理学教育计划提供资金。该的第二期进一步扩大发展,至1994年,经过五年的努力,已成为毅伟与滑铁卢大学以及中国的清华大学、大连理工大学和东南大学的合资。毅伟管理学院承诺在进一步提高中国管理学教育能力方面继续提供援助。其要点包括设计、开发并执行1992年8月提出的通过案例教学方法教授合资企业、技术转让以及国际贸易等课程。这一教师培训是通过翻译给来自中国各地的教师们进行授课,并且所有教材均已译成中一个大规模的出版已经开始实施,1992年4月,五卷国际商业案例中的第一卷已在中国由清华大学出版社出版。该系列书籍是毅伟管理学院和清华大学的产物,它为中国的经理们和学生们提供了全面的国际性商业案例。1992年~1993年,经我们在大连理工大学和东南大学的伙伴安排,又有6本国际性教科书的中文版通过有关出版社在中国出版。从那时起,出现了大量由毅伟管理学院发起的有关中国的案例写作,各种书或被重印、翻译或专为中国市场而撰写,我们还在清华大学开设了商学导论课程,进行了教授互访等等。所有这些都体现出毅伟管理学院决心实现对中国作出的真诚的承诺。唐乐礼加拿大敷伟管理学院院长一九九八年六月Richard lvey School of BusinessPreface from The Dean of the Richard Ivey School of BusinessIt gives me great pleasure to have this opportunity to introduce you to the Ivey Business Schoolby briefly explaining a little about its history,traditions,faculty and recent achievements.TheRichard Ivey School of Business is a professional School within The University of WesternOntario (UWO).One of Canada's oldest universities,UWO is now an academic community of 17faculties and professional schools.It is home to more than 26,000 students and over 4,000faculty and staff.Located in the southern-most part of Canada,London,Ontario is a city of330,000,halfway between Toronto and Detroit.Although Ivey is based in London,Ontario,italso has campuses in Mississauga (Toronto)and most recently,in Hong Kong.Historically the School has been a leader in nagement development.A partial list ofachievements follows.They illustrate the proactive nature of change at Ivey.In 1922,the first undergraduate business department in Canada was established.In 1932,the school began to publish its own journal.Known as Ivey Business Ouarterly,it reaches out to both academic and nagement aunces and enjoys a circulation of10,000 in 25 countries.In 1948,Canada's first executive development program was established.(From thebeginning,faculty members were required,as part of their responsibilities,to produce caseterial for the new programs being designed.)In 1948,the first MBA program in Canada was established.In 1961,Canada's first Ph.D.program in business was introducedIn 1974,official designation was received by the Federal Government as Canada's first,ofwhat are now eight,Centre(s)for International Business Stus(CIBS).(The CIBS werethe forerunner to the CIBERs in the United States).Financial support for this Centrecontinues to be provided by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.In 1975,Ivey opened its own case and publications office.This office now holds aninventory of 2,000 Canadian cases and is the Canadian clearing house for Harvard cases.In 1998,Ivey cases were being distributed to over 100 teaching institutions and 100corporations in over 20 countries.Ivey is the second largest producer of nagementcase stus in the world,with over 1,000,000 copies stud each year by people outsidethe university.In 1978,commencement of its first international student exchange program took place.Over twenty such exchange programs are now in place.