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《Linux Server Hacks 文字版》Rob Flickenger

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《Linux Server Hacks 文字版》Rob Flickenger
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LINUXSERVERHACKS100 Industrial-Strength Tips ToolsO'REILLYRob FlickengerLinuxLINUX SERVER HACKS 100 Industrial-Strength Tips ToolsA competent system administrator knows that a Linux serveris a high perfornce system for routing large amounts ofinfortion through a network connection.Setting up andintaining a Linux server requires understanding the insand outs of the Linux operating system and its supporting cast of utilities aswell as ny layers of applications software.You'll find basic documentationonline but there's a lot beyond the basics that you have to know,and thisonly comes from people with hands-on,real-world experience.This kind ofLinux Server Hacks is a collection of 100 industrial-strength hacks,providingtips and tools that solve practical problems for Linux system administrators.Every hack can be read in just a few minutes but will save hours of searchingfor the right answer.Some of the hacks are subtle,ny of them are non-obvious,and all ofthem demonstrate the power and flexibility of a Linux system.You'll findhacks devoted to tuning the Linux kernel to ke your system run moreefficiently,using CVS or RCS to track revisions to system files,and usingmonitoring tools to track system perfornce.Linux Server Hacks alsohelps you nage large-scale Web installations running Apache,MyL,and other open source tools that are typically part of a Linux system.Written for users who already understand the basics,Linux Server Hacks iuilt upon the expertise of people who really know what they're doing.Hacking is "an appropriate application of ingenuity...Whether the result isa quick-and-dirty patchwork job or a carefully crafted work of art,you have toadmire the cleverness that went into it."New Hacker's DictionaryGot a Hack?Go to:hacks.oreillyO'REILLYUSs24.95CAN $38.95.oreillyIs8N:978-0-596-00461-352495780596004613LINUXSERVERHACKSRob FlickengerO'REILLYBeijing·Cambridge·Famham·Kdln·Paris·Sebastopol·Taipei·Tokyo