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赢在职场 旅游与酒店英语口语_陈蔚主编_9787561161616

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赢在职场 旅游与酒店英语口语_陈蔚主编_9787561161616
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A:Well,we also have a low budget trip to A:那我们还有一种价格实惠的澳大利亚Australia.It's about 2,999 dollars.Are you之行。价位定在2999美元。您有兴趣interested?吗?B:Oh,that's great!I've never been to AustraliaB:哦,不错,我还从来没去过澳大利亚before.Have you?呢。你去过吗?A:I was there last spring.It's beautiful.I highlyA:去年春天去过。非常美!我强烈推recommend it.荐。B:Okay.I'll plan a trip to Australia!B:好吧,那就去澳大利亚了!Traveling Tips●旅行小贴士:到世界各地旅游,了解国外的民俗、民风和规矩是必不可少的。比如:泰国小孩的头摸不得;印度的小孩抱不得;新加坡街头随地吐痰、乱扔废物会被高额罚款。您还真应当了解一些,否则,人家并不会因为你是外国人就不责怪你。0加身临其境4Talking over Travel Arrangements商讨旅行安排A:Youth Travel Agency,good afternoon!A:下午好,这里是青年旅行社。B:Good afternoon!I just saw your TV ads,B:下午好,我刚才在电视上看到你们的and I just wanted to find out about your Full广告。我想询问一下你们的散客度假Independent Tour.游。A:All right!Which tour do you like?A:好的!您喜欢哪种旅游?B:Well,I haven't de up my mind yet.Do youB:这个嘛,我还没定呢…你有什么好have any suggestions?的建议吗?A:Hmm,are you traveling alone or with a group?A:您是单人旅游还是团队旅游?B:Oh,with my colleagues at first,but they have B:起初要和同事一起去的,不过最后他other arrangements at the last minute,so们另有安排了。所以,基本上来说就basically it's just me.我自己。A:Well,we do have tours for singles,what kindA:好吧,我们有专门为个人组织的旅游of budget are you looking at?。您的旅游预算是多少?B:Around 3,000 dollars for 10 days.B:十天大概3000美元吧。A:In this case,that'll give you quite a few A:那样的话,可够用了。您是喜欢冒险possibilities.Are you interested in adventure式旅行呢,还是休闲式旅游?travel,or something more relaxing?B:A little bit of both,you could say.B:我觉得都还不错。A:Ok.Do you have any destinations in mind?A:好,您有什么想去的地方吗?B:Well,I was actually looking for somewhere B:嗯,其实我想去一些有异国情调的地exotic,you know,off the beaten track方,另辟蹊径嘛!A:Well,if you're looking for beautiful beaches,A:好吧,如果您想去看看海滨美景,澳Australia's Gold Coast is quite gorgeous this大利亚的“黄金海岸”此时正是一年14英语口语Do you still want a bedroom?A:Yes.And please ke sure the train has a club A:没错,而且火车上一定要有娱乐车厢car and a dinner.和正餐。B:When do you plan to leave?B:您打算什么时候走?A:I expect to depart for Chicago on Monday,A:我希望是在星期一,5月5号去芝加May 5th,any time after 12:00 p.m..I'll spend the哥,中午12以后什么时间都可以。evening of the 6th and all day the 7th there.I'll6号晚上和7号全天我将在芝加哥度leave on the 8th,on either a late afternoon or过。8号乘下午晚些时间或晚上早些an early evening flight for Denver.I want to be时候的班机去丹佛。9号一天我在丹in Denver all day May 9th.I plan to leave for佛。我计划10号乘早班飞机去洛杉Los Angeles on an early morning flight on the矶。请帮我预订一张从洛杉矶到纽约10th.Please book an open return flight from的不限日期的回程机票。Los Angeles to New York.B:Will you fly first class as usual,sir?B:您还是照常订头等舱的票吗?A:Yes,first class.A:是的,头等舱。B:And where shall I ke hotel reservation?B:我给您预订哪家酒店?A:I've been quite satisfied with the hotels I've usedA:我对以前到这些城市时所住过的酒店as lodging before in these cities.Please ke都很满意,还是预订这几家吧。你最reservation for me at those places.You'd better好把所有的资料都整理好,然后尽快get all the infortion together,and please向我汇报。report back to me as soon as possible.B:That's for sure!B:一定INotes注释open return flight::不限返程日期的航班,回程时间不固定的航班。open此处表意为“未决定的”0Traveling Tips(●旅行小贴士:旅行途中一定要同导游配合好,才可领略到更多乐趣和知识。建议:1、去游览景点之前,找些有关介绍读一读,把读书和游览结合起来,会提高旅游档次。2、因旅游交通费是主要开支,为此,最好能将目的地附近的景点顺便一游。3、不要只游览,也顺便考察一下当地和自己行业有关的状况,则会受到启发,使旅游具有更大意义。