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美国名校毕业演讲大公开让世界因我不同 那些商业精英对我的鼓励 英汉对照_沈明主编 宋颖 邓琳超 沈明译_9787515904771

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美国名校毕业演讲大公开让世界因我不同 那些商业精英对我的鼓励 英汉对照_沈明主编 宋颖 邓琳超 沈明译_9787515904771
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美国名校毕业演讲大公开》让世界因我不同Today is your remix to“Ignition”You're hot and fresh out the kitchenYou got the entire student body hereYou got every graduate here wishingParents they y be sipping on coke and rumAnd they might even get a little drunkSo what,it's their graduation,babyAnd tonight they're gonna have some fun!Have a great weekend and a great life and especially a great night!-14-美国名校毕业演讲大公开》让世界因我不同away,see who could go the fastest,write the most efficient code,I think call it todayprobably hackathon.And whoever lost that contest we have to go down the hall andtouch the mutant frog that has been grown by the biology department.So the personal computer-and later,when I was working at Microsoft,theInternet-it really started a communications revolution.And I have three youngchildren,and as I watch how they use computers and phones today,I think the biggestdifference between me on campus and you now a generation later is the way youcommunicate.One popular way of describing this aspect of your lives is to say that you're"connected."Some pundits have already started to refer to you all as GenerationC.One recent report,I think kind of overdid the C-thing by saying that you are"connected,communicating,content-centric,community-oriented,always clicking."It went on to say that,for these reasons alone,you will "transform the world as weknow it.”Of course,all the hype about how connected you are has contributed to a counter-narrative-that,in fact,your generation is increasingly disconnected from the thingsthat tter.The arguments go something like this:Instead of spending time with yourfriends,you spend time collecting friend requests.Instead of enjoying that meal,youtake a picture of it and immediately send it to your friends on Facebook.But I want to encourage you to reject the cynics who say that technology isflattening your experience of the world.Please don't let anyone ke you believe youare somehow shallow because you like to update your status on a regular basis.The people who say that technology has disconnected you are wrong.But so arethe people who say that technology has autotically connected you.Technology isjust a tool.It's a powerful tool,but it's just a tool.Deep hun connection is verydifferent.It's not a tool.It's not a means to an end.It is the end-it is the purpose ofa meaningful life-and it will inspire the most azing acts of love,generosity,andhunity.In his famous speech "Reining Awake Through a Great Revolution,"MartinLuther King Jr.said,"Through our scientific and technological genius,we have deof this world a neighborhood and yet we have not de the ethical commitment toke of it a brotherhood."With 50 years of hindsight,I think it's fair to say Dr.King was a little preturein calling the world a neighborhood.Back then,Americans lumped whole continents-20-