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转基因粮食对我国粮食安全的影响及对策研究学位类学术性学位学科(专业学位类别)农业经济管理作者姓名:刘思维作者学09011801008导师姓名及职称肖国安教授实践导师姓名及职称:学院名管理学院论文提交日期:2012年6月5日学位授予单位:湖南科技大学摘要根据ISAAA(国际农业生物技术应用服务组织)2011年《全球生物技术/转基因作物商业化发展态势》的报告,全球转基因作物种植面积已达到1.60亿公顷,是转基因作物商业化种植第一年一1996年170万公顷的94倍。C1 ive James及其领导下的ISAAA致力于在全球范围内推广转基因技术,并且认为转基因技术是现代农业史上应用最为迅速的作物技术。自2006年下半年以来,由于自然灾害、欧美生物能源政策、国际游资炒作、跨国粮商的全球粮食垄断经营战略等综合因素导致的粮食危机正在世界许多地区发生并蔓延,给各国和地区造成不同程度的动荡和不安。我国的大豆产业链由于国外转基因大豆的进入被切断,造成国产大豆自给率不断下降的局面,给我国粮食安全造成一定的威胁。2009年农业部颁发了转基因抗虫水稻和转基因植酸酶玉米在我国湖北和山东的生产应用安全证书,为转基因主粮在我国商业化种植打开了一道缝隙。这引起国内外各界人士的关注:要不要在中国发展转基因粮食,转基因粮食的发展对中国粮食安全产生何种影响,影响机理又是怎么样的?本文研究目的在于探究转基因粮食对我国粮食安全的影响机理和结果,然后据此提出解决对策。在影响分析方面,文章围绕粮食安全这个主题,以转基因粮食的进口、种子研发、种植为研究视角,探讨了转基因粮食通过影响我国粮食自给率、粮食市场势力、粮食定价权、粮食产量、粮食生产成本和农业生态安全等方面对粮食安全产生短期和长期影响。在实证研究方面,由于大豆市场受转基因大豆的影响显著,当前对我国粮食安全的影响也最突出,因而通过建立大豆市场自给率和定价权的计量模型来研究对粮食安全的影响最合适。文章运用统计性检验分析大豆市场自给率受转基因大豆的影响,同时运用多元回归分析、协整、格兰杰因果关系检验、误差修正模型等计量方法对大连期货市场大豆期货价格与芝加哥期货市场大豆期货价格的关系进行了实证性检验。最后在理清作用机理的基础上,结合实证检验结果,提出应对转基因粮食挑战,确保粮食安全的对策。关键词:转基因粮食:粮食安全;自给率:技术专利:外资垄断iAbstractAccording to the report on the global biological technology /commercialdevelopment trend of genetically modified crops of ISAAA(The International Servicefor the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications)in 2011,global GM crops plantationarea has reached 160 million hectares,which is 94 times larger than 1.7 millionhectares in the first year-1996.Clive James and ISAAA commits to spreadingtransgenic technology all over the world,and insists transgenic technology is the mostrapid technology to be used in the history of modern agriculture Since the secondhalf of 2006,food crisis flood in ny areas of the world and leads to instability andunrest in ny countries,which dues to natural disasters,Europe and America'iological energy policy,international hot money hype,multinational food dealer'sglobal strategy of food monopoly operation and other comprehensive factors.China'ssoybean industry chain has been cut off by foreign genetically modified soybean,anddomestic soybean yield is falling,which threats the food security.In 2009,Ministry ofagriculture awarded security certificate for genetically modified insect resistance riceand genetically modified photoset corn in Hubei and Shandong province,which is asign of staple food for genetically modified in China.It has a attention of all circlesfrom home and abroad.Need China develop genetically modified food?How doesgenetically modified food affect China's food security?what is the outcome?This paper examines mechani by which genetically modified food affectsfood security,and then puts forward the countermeasures.The first chapter talksabout the background and research significance,present situation of research,clue ofthe article and innovation points;the second one outlines relevant contents ofgenetically modified food the third one and the fourth one are the cores of this paper.The third chapter explores that genetically modified food exert an influence on degreeof self-sufficiency of grain,rket power food pricing food production cost andagricultural ecological safety from genetically modified food entrance,research anddevelopment,growing to explore in China's grain,grain self-sufficiency,in chapterfour,by establishing econometric model,we yze the relationship of soybeanfuture prices between DEC and CBOT.Results show that the soybean price in CBOTdetermine that in DEC.Chapter 5 proposes countermeasures,including perfecting therelevant transgenic laws and regulations,strengthening competitive of natural food,