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Speech1U.S.Mission to the United Nations.·美国驻联合国的使命Good morning,Stanford!Thank you very much,President Hennessy,for that very warm introduction.演讲人:It is wonderful to be back at Stanford.Having gottenSusan Rice苏珊·赖斯around a bit over the last few years,I am moreconvinced than ever-that this is the best universityon the face of the planet.Stanford has had an enormous impact on my lifeNot only is it where I met my huand,but it's whereI met the people,took the courses,and championedthe causes that ultitely led me to ke my careerin international affairs.Stanford also taught me focusand discipline.Once you've learned to study in abathing suit on the grass with muscled men throwing1964年11月17friees over your head,you can accomplish almost日出生在华盛顿特区anything.Now,graduates:first and foremost,congratulations.Susan Rice苏珊·赖斯I suspect you're feeling pretty good about yourselves00100right now.I remember feeling pretty good about myself在斯坦福听演讲too when I was sitting in your seats.In fact,I mightListen to the Standford Speecheshave been feeling a little too good-judging from how她的父亲埃梅much I remember about my commencement speech.特是美国康奈尔大学经济学教授,母亲Hold on to this jubilant moment and cherish是救育政策研究员、your memories of this extraordinary place.Nurture美国布鲁金斯学院客座学者the friendships you have de here.The warmth andsecurity of Stanford can sustain you as you face aneconomy still climbing out of a deep hole and enter aworld changing at a furious pace.Igine the world and what it will be like whenone of you comes back a quarter century from now todeliver the commencement address.In 1986,whenI graduated,the Soviet Union was bristling with45,000 nuclear weapons,and the Berlin Wall wasimpenetrable.Nelson Mandela was clocking his 23rdyear in prison in apartheid South Africa.Osa binLaden was fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan,andal-Qaeda didn't exist.Almost nobody had heard ofglobal warming.Japan was the daunting economicpowerhouse,and China's share of global GDP was 2percent.There were some 30 fewer countries in the1986年获得斯world,and 2 billion fewer people on the planet.坦福大学历史学学位We've seen azing technological advances.In1986,only 0.2 percent of the U.S.population had a cellphone,which were bricks about 10 inches long.IBMannounced its first laptop,which weighed 12 pounds.Twenty-four-hour cable news was in its infancy.So much change has transpired just in my