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交际英语教程核心教程一 上_李筱菊主编_7218·249
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苏救授参加了本书的审稿上海外语教育出版社和广州外语音像教材出版社承担了本书的编辑出版和录音磁带的录制发行工作。对于以上及其他人士和单位的支持帮助,我们一并在此表示衷心的感谢。C正CL出版前虽已经过试用修改,但难免还有许多有待改进之处。我们恳切希望使用本书的各界人士不吝赐教,以利今后修订。主编者1986年5月17日·FOREWORDWHEN Li Xiaoju launched her communicative approach from her Guangzhou base in 1979or earlier,all her friends voiced support but did so with fingers crossed.After all,a text-based,teacher-centered learning pattern had dominated China for so long that although everybodythought a break was long overdue few believed that to be possible.It was too deeply entrenched,in curriculums and books and educational thinking,to be pulled down by.a handful of teachers,however inventive as experimentalists,and however devoted.It wasn't that China had reinedstatic socially or educationally (although this has been our post-facto view),for between 1950 and1976 there was a centrally inspired teaching reform once every three years,each with an enthusias-tically acclaimed new method lasting an average span of about six months or slightly longer.Itwas on when a political movement was on,off when it was off,begun with fanfare and terminatedas a rule with a sigh of relief.Whatever new method was adopted,in the center of it was theteacher delivering knowledge from a text and the student receiving it notebook in hand.Eachreform promised a get-away from our stereotyped education but in the end invariably surrenderedto tradition which was thought dependable though uninnovative.Then something truly different came on the scene-in 1964,that mid-year in the luil before thestorm.It was the audio-lingual method,or in plain Chinese,the listen-and-speak method.Someliterature oamo along with it whioh gave the semblance of a rationale in TEFL.Languagebeing in its priry state spoken language,the printed text was in some cases deliberately doneaway with and in most cases withheld from the students until audio-lingual drills had been thorough-ly done.The lesson began with a story told by the teacher,who after rehearsals did it with skilland charm.The students listened avidly,knowing well they were to be questioned on the con-tent after the telling was over.Then came the questions,all carefully structured,each with a state-ment followed by a tag question.Using the built-in answer for his response,the respondentwas both quick and accurate.Classes were filled from beginning to end with an orchestratedpattern play,and the occasional visitor would be a:ed and delighted-but for the first hour only.The second hour entertained him with much the same orchestration-that of word or phrasesubstitution in a given slot.It would then be seen that the whole perfornce was but a demon-stration of Bloomfield's Stimulus-Response Theory.fashionable during the last war and for someyears immediately afterwards,but.already thought antiquated by the mid-1960s.Now why was it that the S-R theory could have been so unquestioningly embraced in China,and went on well in to the 70's and this after Chomsky,after the two scathing reviews of B.F.Skinner,after the Colorado experiment,and after our own discovery that the 1964-66 experimentfailed to provide a sound foundation for a learner's first two yearsIt is,I think,not difficult to give an answer.The audio-lingual method,in spite of its oral-approach novelty,fitted in well enough with the country's centuries-old tradition of teacher-cen-