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学术表达与沟通 英文版_孟繁锡著_9787811178753
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INTRODUCTIONThe goal of this sourcebook is to provide students and teachers of Englishpresentation and communication skills with a range of classroom activi-ties.Many of these activities are adapted from dra and perforncegames and techniques.They aim to help students to develop their fullrange of communication skills:thinking,speaking,listening,readingand writing.Presentation and Communication takes a deeper look at the importance ofgood presentation and the different aspects of hun communication.A Dratic Approach looks at how dra and perfornce techniquescan be used to develop these various aspects of hun communication ina well-rounded nner that also instills confidence in the student.Facilitating Active Learning encourages students to take responsibility fortheir own learning and development,and also seeks to help the teacherdevise methods of assesent.This section also recapitulates some of thevery basic foundations of classroom teaching,as encouragement.Eventhe most seasoned teacher can benefit from these quick reminders.The Classroom Environment aims to help the teacher prepare a classroomenvironment that is conducive to working through the range of activitiescontained later in the book.In order to fully benefit from the activities2 Presentation and Communication Skills:An Activity Sourcebooksuggested in this guide,teachers and students must start off with a senseof adventure.This sourcebook aims to help teachers jointly craft a presentation andcommunication classroom that will:Be much more spontaneous and open than other classes.Provide an atmosphere in which students feel free to move about,laugh,ke huge mistakes and exercise all of their communicationskills.Serve as a workshop or laboratory in which students are encouragedto use and practice the infortion they learn in their reading,writing,listening,gramr,and non-language classes.Whether used on its own or as part of the ICB University English series,this sourcebook should also provide opportunities for students to:Become active,responsible and engaged learners in general and notsimply of a new language.Gain personal confidence as young s and as speakers of a newlanguage.See the importance of good presentation and communication in lifeon the whole.Learn to be resourceful,inquisitive,responsible and adaptable hu-n beings.In the interest of flexibility and adaptability,the section Outline of Ac-tivities provides a general outline of the games,tricks,activities and ex-ercises used in this guide.A teacher y choose to adapt any one ofthese activities to any one of the topics at any level.This section also