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AbstractOn the bases of detailed examination in the in periods of Chinesehistorical dra's creation and theory development in 20th century,thethesis stus the ups and downs of the trend of thoughts and fighting ofauthority in the ideological sphere in 20th century of Chinese society,complicated process of historical dra in striving for the value of ap-preciation beauty in independent writing style and the mental conscious-ness in chasing historical poetry.As a result,we discover that the coretheory that supports the art of historical dra to run after its ideal be-lief is modern Chinese enlightening spirit,which guides historical drato view history with historical rational critical spirit all the time,un-earth historical poetry in the harmony of ancient history and modern civ-ilization and ruggedly reproduces particular national psychology and na-tion emotion in particular historical period.The study of 20th century'screation reality and theory achievement of historical dra confirms thatthe basic rule of historical dra creation is not historization of dra,but dratization of history.The in conclusion of the thesis is as follows:1.The basic principle of historical dra's creation is dratiza-tion of history,the aim of which is chasing historical poetry.2.The key of dratization of history is bringing the subjective2/20世纪中国史剧研究spirit of creating subject into play and the modernization of subjectivespirit is the premises to guarantee the modernization of historical dra-.3.Historical rational critical spirit is inherence soul of modernity'sdevelopment in historical dra in 20th century.1920's revisionist ofhistory,1940's patriotic democrat spirit and since 1980's vivid and life-like historical dra that produces mental conciseness to poetic history,in which the inherent modern spirit of historical dra penetratesthrough.4.The development of modernity of modern historical dra is go-ing ahead difficultly in arguing with the force that opposes modernity.The compiling standard of historical dra is anti-modernization,whichis the result that the subjective spirit of historical dra creating dis-places and overturns by ideological pragti political utterance.Key words:historical dra dratization of history historiza-tion of dra