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《OReilly Learning MySQL and MariaDB》Russell J.T. Dyer编著

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《OReilly Learning MySQL and MariaDB》Russell J.T. Dyer编著
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LearningMySOL andMariaDBHEADING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTIONWITH MYL AND MARIADBRussell J.T.DyerForeword by Monty Widenius,creator of MyL and MariaDBO'REILLYIf you're a programmer new to databases-or just new to MyL and MyL and MariaDBits community-driven variant,MariaDB-you've found the perfectare among the mostintroduction.This hands-on guide provides an easy,step-by-stepapproach to installing.using.and intaining these popular relationalcommonly useddatabase engines.database servers,andAuthor Russell Dyer,Curriculum Manager at MariaDB and former editor ofthis is the book to readthe MyL Knowledge Base,takes you through database design and theto get up to speed onbasics of data nagement and nipulation,using real-world exampleslearning both of them.and ny practical tips.Exercises and review questions help you practicewhat you've just learned.and accessible withCreate and alter MyL tables and specify fields and columnercises that will takewithin themyou through the processLeam how to insert,select,update,delete,join,and subqueryof learning-and towardsdata,using practical examplesUse built-in string functions to find,extract,fort,andbecoming an expert..”convert text from columns-Colin CharlesLeam functions for thetical or statistical calculations,andfor fortting date and time valuesPerform administrative duties such as naging user accounts.backing up databases,and importing large amounts of dataUse APIs to connect and query MyL and MariaDB with PHPand other languagesRussell J.T.Dyer is a freelance writer and currently the Curriculum Manager atMariaDB Ab.He worked previously at MyL Ab.as their Knowledge Base Editor.He is the author of MyL in a Nutshell (O'Reilly)as well as dozens of articles forLinux Journal.ONLamp.The Perl lournal.Red Hat Magazine TechRepublic.Unix Review.and XML.MYL DATABASETwitter:@oreillymediafacebook/oreillyIsBN:978-1-449-36290-44936290Learning MyL and MariaDBRussell J.T.DyerBeijing·Cambridge·Farnham·Koln·Sebastopol·TokyoO'REILLY*