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《Learning Oracle PLSQL 文字版》Bill Pribyl编著

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Oracle Development languagesCoversOracle9iLearningOraclePL/SOLO'REILLYBill PribylO'REILLYLearning Oracle PL/LPL/L,Oracle's programming language for stored procedures,delivers a world ofpossibilities for your database programs.PL/L supplements the standard relationaldatabase language,L,with a wide range of procedural features,including loops,IF-THEN statements,advanced data structures,and rich transactional control-all closelyintegrated with the Oracle database server.Learning Oracle PL/SOL offers the guidance you need to come up to speed on PL/L,whetheryou're a beginner or already experienced with another programming language.Topics include:.PL/L-what is it,and why use it?Syntax and examples of all core language constructsCreating and reusing stored procedures,functions,and packagesBuilding web-based applicationsSecuring PL/L programs against attackBenefits of third-party developer toolsConnecting PL/L to eil,Java,and the InternetMeticulously crafted with all-new examples downloadable from bttp://oracle.oreilly,LearningOracle PL/SOL includes language features available in all versions from Oracle7 through Oracle9i.Written in an easygoing style by PL/L experts Bill Pribyl and Steven Feuerstein,the book deliversa solid foundation for every database developer and administrator who needs to learn PL/L"As someone who knows C.Perl,and Java,I found this to be a great starter book in PL/SOL.It gave me the core knowledge I needed for a jump-start into PL/SOL programming.This isa great book for anybody wanting to learn PL/L programming for Oracle!"-Bill Phillips,System Engineer,Diverse Networks"As a DBA for an IT consulting firm,I needed to go beyond basic SOL and leverage tbe effi-ciency and versatility of PL/SOL.After searcbing in vain for an introduction to PL/SOL tbatrequired no prior programming experience,I've finally found a book that is truly for thebeginner.This book provides thorougb explanations of tbe sample code in plain Engli.written so that I can understand wby the programs work.It's the next best thing to sittingdown with someone for a private tutorial."-Corrie Nettles,database administrator and former consultant at Baker Robbins Co..oreillyUss39.95CAN S59.95I$BN:978-0-596-00180-3539959780596001803Learning Oracle PL/L