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通信与移动系统 π演算_RobinMilner编著_9787302207252

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通信与移动系统 π演算_RobinMilner编著_9787302207252
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译者序译过程中所给予的帮助表示衷心的感谢译者中国科学院软件研究所计算机科学国家重点实验室2009年7月ForwardThe advances in computing in the past sixty years have been dratic.The next sixty years will be even more so,as computing emerges fromour offices,factories and laboratories and becomes a pervasive part of ourenvironment.From the technology of computing as calculation,we advanceto infortics as a science of communication and control.Most technology,such as the tools of structural or electrical engineer-ing,rests upon a previously developed physical science.For infortiontechnology (IT),we are developing the science after the technology.As theartifacts of IT pervade our lives more and more,the need for this scienceand its thetical expression becomes more and more important.Wealready know how hard it is to understand and to intain present-daylarge software systems;yet those of the future will be larger and our de-pendence upon them will be greater.To see this,we need only think ofa future system with sensors and actuators in vehicles and on motorways,replacing hun drivers,or with sensors and actuators on the hun bodythat monitor and control our physical health.As a country of great and increasing importance in the world,Chinahas an opportunity to guide the scientific foundation of new technologies.The pi calculus is one step forward in seeking a sound thetical basisfor future distributed infortic systems.It has already had some influenceon the design of languages in which we specify and program these systems.As the original author of this book I was therefore delighted to accept theoffer of two expert scientists,Lin Huimin and Liu Xinxin,to translate itinto Chinese.Robin MilnerProfessor of Computer ScienceUniversities of Cambridge and Edinburghe 2009