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应用程序性能测试艺术_Ian Molyneaux著_9787564116316

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应用程序性能测试艺术_Ian Molyneaux著_9787564116316
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Although I work for a company that's passionate about perfornce,this book is tool-andvendor-neutral.The processes and strategies described here can be used with any professionalautoted testing solution.Hope you like it!-Ian Molyneaux,December 2008AunceAlthough this book is for anyone interested in learning about application perfornce testing,it especially targets seasoned software testers and project nagers looking for guidance inimplementing an effective application perfornce testing strategy.The book assumes that readers have some familiarity with software testing techniques,thoughnot necessarily perfornce-related ones.As a further prerequisite,effective perfornce testing is really possible only with the use ofautotion.Therefore,to get the most from the book you should have some experience ofautoted testing tools.About This BookBased on a number of my jottings (that never de it to the white paper stage)and ten yearsof hard experience,this book is designed to explain why it is so important to perfornce testany application before deploying it.The book leads you through the steps required toimplement an effective application perfornce testing strategy.Here are brief sumries of the book's chapters and appendixes.Chapter 1,Why Perfornce Test?,discusses the rationale behind application perforncetesting and looks at perfornce testing in the IT industry from a historical perspective.Chapter 2,The Fundamentals of Effective Application Perfornce Testing,introduces thebuilding blocks of effective perfornce testing and explains their importance.Chapter 3,The Process of Perfornce Testing,suggests a best-practice approach.It builds onChapter 2,applying its requirements to a model for application perfornce testing.Chapter 4,Interpreting Results:Effective Root-Cause Analysis,teaches effective root-causeysis.It discusses the typical output of a perfornce test and how to perform effectiveysis.Chapter 5,Application Technology and Its Impact on Perfornce Testing,discusses the effectsof particular software environments on testing.The approach is generic,so ny detailsregarding your applications will depend on the characteristics of the technologies you use.viilPREFACEAppendix A,Transaction Examples,provides examples of how to prepare applicationtransactions for inclusion in a perfornce test.Appendix B,POC and Perfornce Test Quick Reference,reiterates the practical stepspresented in the book.Appendix C,Autoted Tool Vendors,lists sources for the technologies required byperfornce testing.It is not an endorsement and is not intended to be complete.Appendix D,Sample KPI Monitoring Templates,provides some examples of the sort of KeyPerfornce Indicators you would use to monitor server and network perfornce as part ofa typical perfornce test configuration.Appendix E,Sample Project Plan,provides an example of a typical perfornce test plan basedon Microsoft Project.Conventions Used in This BookThe following typographical conventions will be used.ItalicIndicates new terms,URLs,eil addresses,filenames,and file extensions.Constant widthUsed for program listings and also within paragraphs to refer to program elements suchas variable or function names,databases,data types,environment variables,statements,and keywords.Constant width boldShows comnds or other text that should be typed literally by the user.Constant width italicShows text that should be replaced with user-supplied values or by values determined bycontext.TIPThis icon signifies a tip,suggestion,or general note.CAUTIONThis icon indicates a warning or caution.PREFACE