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《Building Android Apps with HTML CSS and JavaScript 2nd edition文字版》Jonathan Stark

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《Building Android Apps with HTML CSS and JavaScript 2nd edition文字版》Jonathan Stark
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Making Native Apps with Standards-BasedWeb Tools2nd EditionBuildingAndroidwith HTML,CSS,and JavaScriptO'REILLYJonathan Stark with Brian JepsonMobile/Google AndroidBuilding Android Appswith HTML,CSS,and JavaScript"The mobile web is increas-ingly important:mobileIt's true:if you know HTML,CSS,and JavaScript,you already havethe tools you need to develop Android applications.Now updatedtional desktop access to thefor the latest version of PhoneGap,the second edition of this hands-on guide shows you how to use open web standards like HTMI5internet.Jonathan's booksto design and build apps that can be adapted for any Android device.provide the quickest path forYou'll learn how to create an Android-friendly web app on theplatform of your choice,and then use Adobe's free PhoneGapframework to convert it to a native Android app.Discover whyoff the ground and into andevice-agnostic mobile apps are the wave of the future,and startapp store.They've been thebuilding apps that offer greater flexibility and a much broader reach.great gateway drug for theConvert a website into a web application,complete withprogress indicators and other featuresAdd anition with JQTouch to ke your web app lookand feel like a native Android appand simplicity of modernMake use of client-side data storage with apps that runmobile web development."when the Android device is offline-Brian LeRouxUse PhoneGap to hook into advanced Android features,Adobe Systemsincluding the accelerometer,geolocation,and alertsTest and debug your app on the Web with real users,andsubmit the finished product to the Android MarketJonathan Stark is a mobile-application consultant cited by the WallStreet Journal as"an expert on publishing desktop data to the Web."He's a self-confessed techno-utopian who believes that wirelesscomputing is going to transform every aspect of hun societyBrian Jepson is an O'Reilly editor,hacker,and co-organizer ofProvidence Geeks and the Rhode Island Mini Maker Faire.Twitter:@oreillymediafacebook/oreillyCAN$31.991S8N:978-1-449-31641-9O'REILLYoreillySECOND EDITIONBuilding Android Apps withHTML,CSS,and JavaScriptJonathan Starkwith Brian JepsonO'REILLYBeijing·Cambridge·Farnham·Koln·Sebastopol·Tokyo