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《Developing MeeGo apps with Python and QML》Thomas Perl

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《Developing MeeGo apps with Python and QML》Thomas Perl
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Developing MeeGo appswith Python and QMLby Thos Perl ://thp.io/2010/meego-python/Table of ContentsIntroduction........3Why should I use Python to develop MeeGo apps?.3Setting up the environment............3Getting the build scripts............................4Building PySide and installing into $HOME...........................................4Setting up environment variables.........................5Testing the installations........5Basic QML tutorial examples....................6Hello World.......6The Python source (HelloMeeGo.py)..................................................6The QML UI file (HellomeeGo.qml)...............................8Displaying HTML content in a QML WebView...................................9The Python source code (WebKitview.py)..........................................9The HTML page (WebKitview.html).............11Writing a new QML UI for existing apps for MeeGo..................................13The glue layer in Python (gpodder-qml.py)..........................................1.4The QML in Ul file (gpodder-qml.qml)..............18The QML file for displaying a list of podcasts(PodcastList.qml)..21The QML file for displaying a list of episodes (EpisodeList.qml).............24Packaging a Python application for MeeGo.......................................25Installing the required dependencies...............25Creating the required metadata files...............25The desktop entry:gpodder-qml.desktop..........................................25The icon for the app menu:gpodder-qml.png........................................25The Spectacle YAML file:gpodder-qml.yaml.......................................26The Python distutils file:setup.py........26Changes in the gpodder-qml.py script..................................26Creating the RPM sources..27Building the RPM package from source.....2Installing and testing the RPM package....................27IntroductionThis tutorial will guide you through how to set up a PySide environment on yourMeeGo Netbook and then show you some basics through examples,and finallywe'll create a QML Ul for an existing application(gPodder)that can be used onMeeGo Netbook and MeeGo Handset.Why should I use Python to develop MeeGo apps?Low barrier to entry:Python is a very easy to leamn language,so you canget quickly up to speed-independent of whether or not you are alreadyfamiliar with other languagesGarbage collection:You don't have to nually nage the memory ofthe objects you create-the Python garbage collector takes care ofremoving no longer needed objectsNo compiling:Python is an interpreted language,so you can run yourapplication right after saving the source in an editor.No need to wait forcode to compile.This is especially important on low-powered netbooks.Full access to the Qt libraries:PySide bindings allow access to all modulesof Qt.And because it uses the native Qt libraries,library functions run atnative (compiled)speed.Shorter code:In my experience,C++applications using Qt have about 3times as much lines of code as the equivalent Python applications-usingthe same libraries and Qt classes!Prototyping:Even if you plan on writing a C++Qt application,Python andPySide are a great combination for quickly prototyping your ideas.Thiscould be useful to prototype a C++backend of your QML application.Later on,you just exchange the Python backend with a C++backend andcan reuse the QML files from the Python app.Development on the go:As Python is an interpreted language,theruntime already contains all the necessary tools to develop applications,so you don't have to install a compiler,development libraries and headerfiles just to create apps-it's instant,and some people even developPython GUl apps directly on handset devices like the N900.LinksPySide Homepage:://.pyside.org/MeeGo Homepage:://.meego/PySide Wiki:://developer.qt.nokia/wiki/PySideTutorial homepage:://thp.io/2010/meego-python/Setting up the environmentFirst,ke sure to have MeeGo Netbook installed -either directly on yournetbook or in a virtual chine.How to do this is out of scope for thisdocument,so please refer to the MeeGo Wiki.