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《Effective Java 2nd edition》Joshua Bloch

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《Effective Java 2nd edition》Joshua Bloch
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Joshua BlochEffective JavaSecond EditionThe Java Series..from the SourcePraise for the First Edition"I sure wish I had this book ten years ago.Some might think that I don't needany Java books,but I need this one."-James Gosling,fellow and vice president,Sun Microsystems,Inc.,andinventor of the Java programming language"An excellent book,crammed with good advice on using the Java program-ming language and object-oriented programming in general."-Gilad Bracha,distinguished engineer,Cadence Design Systems,and coauthor of The JavaTM Language Specification,Third Edition (Addison-Wesley,2005)"10/10-anyone aspiring to write good Java code that others will appreciatereading and intaining should be required to own a copy of this book.Thisis one of those rare books where the infortion won't become obsolete withsubsequent releases of the JDK library."-Peter Tran,bartender,JavaRanch"The best Java book yet written....Really great;very readable and eminentlyuseful.I can't say enough good things about this book.At JavaOne 2001,James Gosling said,'Go buy this book!I'm glad I did,and I couldn't agree-Keith Edwards,senior member of research staff,Computer Science Lab at the Palo Alto Research Center(PARC),and author of Core JINI (Prentice Hall,2000)"This is a truly excellent book done by the guy who designed several of thebetter recent Java platform APIs (including the Collections APD)."-James Clark,technical lead of the XML Working Groupduring the creation of the XML 1.0 Recommendation;editor of the XPath and XSLT Recommendations"Great content.Analogous to Scott Meyers's classic Effective C++.If you knowthe basics of Java,this has to be your next book."-Gary K.Evans,OO mentor and consultant,Evanetics,Inc."In my estition,no more than one good programming book appears per year(and there are certainly ny years that saw none):Knuth's trilogy,the K&RWhite Book,Kernighan and Plauger's Software Tools...Bloch's book fits in wellwith this august company.Get it."-Andrew Binstock,Software Development Times,August 15,2001"This is a superb book.It clearly covers ny of the language/platform subtletiesand trickery you need to learn to become a real Java ster."-Victor Wiewiorowski,vice president development and code quality nager,ValueCommerce Co.,Tokyo,Japan"I like books that under-promise in their titles and over-deliver in their contents.This book has 57 items of programming advice that are well chosen.Each itemreveals aclear,deep grasp ofthe language.Each one illustrates in simple,practicalterms the limits of programming on intuition alone,or taking the most direct pathto a solution without fully understanding what the language offers."-Michael Ernest,Inkling Research,Inc."Every bit of this book is essential for Java designers.Reading this book beforeyou start delivering products can easily repay its cost thousands of times."-Richard Mateosian,IEEE micro,July/August 2002 (vol.22,no.4)"Great how-to resource for the experienced developer."-John Zukowski,author of numerous Java books"I picked this book up two weeks ago and can safely say I learned more about theJava language in three days of reading than I did in three months of study!Anexcellent book and a welcome addition to my Java library."-Jane Griscti,I/T advisory specialist