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《Effective JavaScript》David Herman

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《Effective JavaScript》David Herman
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EffectiveJASCRIPTDavid HernPraise for Effective JavaScript"Living up to the expectation of an Effective Software Development Series pro-who wants to do serious JavaScript programming.The book provides detailedexplanations of the inner workings of JavaScript.which helps readers take betteradvantage of the language.""It's uncommon to have a programming language wonk who can speak in suchcomfortable and friendly language as David does.His walk through the syntaxand sentics of JavaScript is both charming and hugely insightful:remindersof gotchas complement realistic use cases.paced at a comfortable curve.You'llfind when you finish the book that you've gained a strong and comprehensivesense of stery."-Paul Irish,developer advocate.Google Chrome"Before reading Effective JavaScript.I thought it would be just another book onhow to write better JavaScript.But this book delivers that and so much more-itgives you a deep understanding of the language.And this is crucial.Without thatunderstanding you'll know absolutely nothing whatever about the language itself.You'll only know how other programmers write their code."Read this book if you want to become a really good JavaScript developer.I.forone.wish I had it when I first started writing JavaScript.""If you're looking for a book that gives you forl but highly readable insights intothe JavaScript language.look no further.Intermediate JavaScript developers willfind a treasure trove of knowledge inside.and even highly skilled JavaScriptersare almost guaranteed to learn a thing or ten.For experienced practitioners ofother languages looking to dive headfirst into JavaScript.this book is a must-read for quickly getting up to speed.No tter what your background,though.author Dave Hern does a fantastic job of exploring JavaScript-its beautifulparts.its warts.and everything in between."Script is no mere toy and wants to fully grasp the power it has to offer.Dave Her-n brings users a deep.stud.and practical understanding of the language.guiding them through example after example to help them come to the sameconclusions he has.This is not a book for those looking for shortcuts:rather.itis hard-won experience distilled into a guided tour.It's one of the few books onJavaScript that I'll recommend without hesitation."-Alex Russell.TC39 member,software engineer.Google"Rarely does anyone have the opportunity to study alongside a ster in theircraft.This book is just that-the JavaScript equivalent of a time-traveling philos-opher visiting fifth century BC to study with Plato."This page intentionally left blank