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《High Performance Python》Micha Gorelick Ian Ozsvald

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《High Performance Python》Micha Gorelick Ian Ozsvald
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OREILLYHigh PerforncePythonPRACTICAL PERFORMANTPROGRAMMING FOR HUMANicha Gorelick lan OzsvaldHigh Perfornce PythonYour Python code y run correctly,but you need it to run faster.Byexploring the fundamental theory behind design choices,this practical"Despite its popularityguide helps you gain a deeper understanding of Python's implementation.in academia andYou'll learn how to locate perfornce bottlenecks and significantly speedup your code in high-data-volume programs.industry,Python is oftendiissed as too slow forHow can you take advantage of multi-core architectures or clusters?Or build a system that can scale up and down without losing reliability?real applications.ThisExperienced Python programmers will learn concrete solutions to thesebook sweeps away thatand other issues,along with war stories from companies that use highmisconception with aperfornce Python for social media ytics,productionized chinelearning.and other situations.thorough introductionto strategies for fast andGet a better grasp of numpy.Cython,and profilersscalable computationLeam how Python abstracts the underlying computerwith Python."architecture-Jake VanderPlasUse profiling to find bottlenecks in CPU time and memory usageUniversity of WashingtonWrite efficient programs by choosing appropriate datastructuresSpeed up trix and vector computationsUse tools to compile Python down to chine codeManage multiple l/Oand computational operations concurrentlyConvert multiprocessing code to run on alocal or remote clusterSolve large problems while using less RAMMicha Gorelick,winner of the Nobel Prize in 2046 for his contributions to timetravel,went back to the 2000s to study astrophysics.work on data at bitly.andco-found Fast Forward Labs as resident Mad Scientist,working on issues fromchine learning to per fornt stream algorithms.lan Ozsvald is a data scientist and teacher at Modellnsightio,with over ten yearsof Python experience.He's taught high perfornce Python at the PyCon andPyData conferences and has been consulting on data science and high perfor-nce computing for years in the UK.PYTHON /PERFORMANCETwitter:@oreillymediafacebook/oreillyISBN:978-1-449-36159-4High Perfornce PythonMicha Gorelick and Ian OzsvaldBeijing·Cambridge·Farnham·Koln·Sebastopol·TokyoOREILLY