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《Java Cookbook 2nd Edition》Ian F Darwin

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《Java Cookbook 2nd Edition》Ian F Darwin
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2nd EditionSolutions and Examples for Java DevelopersCoverage of 1.5JavaCookbookO'REILLYIan F.DarwinJavaO'REILLYJava Cookbooklava Cookbook is a collection of hundreds of practical solutions to problems thatJava programmers face.The recipes range from simple tasks,such as getting yourCLASSPATH right and reading infortion from the environment,to entire programsthat demonstrate how to put XML to work or use the concurrency utilities introducedin IDK 1.5 for efficient threaded programming.Whether you plan to use the cookbook's recipes directly,as a source of ideas,or as a way to leammore about Java,/ava Cookbook will become an essential part of your library.No other single bookdoes as much to demonstrate Java's capabilities and the ease with which you can put them to use.latest third-party resources and providing helpful how-to's.This jor revision covers JDK 1.5'any new language and API features and includes dozens of new recipes.Topics covered include:Compiling and debugging Java programsGenerics,foreach.and enumerations (1.5)Using AntDeveloping network clients and serversPackaging apps for deploymentWeb programming,servlets,and JSPStrings and regular expressionsAccessing databasesIntegrating XML·Java and Mac OS XRemote Method Invocation (RMDArrays and other data collectionsIntrospectionProgramming serial and parallel portsDeveloping graphical user intecesFiles,directories,and filesystemsConcurrency (1.5)lava Cookbook is an ideal second book for Java developers (or a first book for the self-taught Javaprogrammer)and covers ny of the APIs in more detail than the typical overview,king it emi-nently suitable for anyone requiring broad knowledge of Java.lan F.Darwin has three decades of experience in developing and writing about computer softwareand is an instructor and course developer with Learning Tree International..oreillyCAN S72.951s8N-10:0-596-00701-91s8N-13:978-0-596-00701-054995780596007010Java"Cookbook"