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《Java Persistence with Hibernate》Christian Bauer

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《Java Persistence with Hibernate》Christian Bauer
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Revised Edition of HIBERNATE IN ACTIONJAPERSISTENCEWITHChristian BauerGavin Kingforeword by Linda DeMichielPraise for the First Edition“2005 Best Java Book!"Hibernate In Action has to be considered the definitive tome on Hibernate.Asthe authors are intitely involved with the project,the insight on Hibetethat they provide can't be easily duplicated."Not only gets you up to speed with Hibete and its features...It also intro-duces you to the right way of developing and tuning an industrial-quality Hiber-nate application....albeit very technical,it reads astonishinglyeasy...unfortunately very rare nowadays...[an]excellent piece of work...""The first and only full tutorial,reference,and authoritative guide,and one ofthe most anticipated books of the year for Hibete users.""..the book was beyond my expectations...this book is the ultitesolution.”-Javalobby.org,(second review,fall 2005)"..from none others than the lead developer and the lead documenter,thiook is a great introduction and reference documentation to using Hibernate.It is organized in such a way that the concepts are explained in progressiveorder from very simple to more complex,and the authors take good care ofexplaining every detail with good examples...The book not only gets you upto speed with Hibernate and its features(which the documentation does quitewell).It also introduces you to the right way of developing and tuning an indus-trial-quality Hibernate application.""Strongly recommended,because a contemporary and state-of-the-art topic isvery well explained,and especially,because the voices come literally from thehorses'mouths.”"The ultite guide to the Hibete open source project.It provides in-depthinfortion on architecture of Hibete,configuring Hibete and develop-ment using Hibete...It also explains essential concepts like,object/rela-tional pping(ORM),persistence,caching,queries and describes how theyare taken care with respect to Hibernate...written by the creators of Hibernateand they have de best effort to introduce and leverage Hibernate.I recom-mend this book to everyone who is interested in getting familiar withHibernate.”"Well worth the cost...While the on-line documentation is good,(Mr.Bauer,one of the authors is in charge of the on-line documentation)the book is bet-ter.It begins with a description of what you are trying to do (often left out incomputer books)and leads you on in a consistent nner through the entireHibernate system.Excellent Book!"-Books-on-Line"A compact(408 pages),focused,no nonsense read and an essential resourcefor anyone venturing into the ORM landscape.The first three chapters of thiook alone are indispensable for developers that want to quickly build anapplication leveraging Hiberate,but more importantly really want to under-stand Hibernate concepts,framework,methodology and the reasons thatshaped the framework design.The reining chapters continue the compre-hensive overview of Hibernate that include how to p to and persist objects,inheritance,transactions,concurrency,caching,retrieving objects efficientlyusing HOL,configuring Hibernate for naged and unnaged environ-ments,and the Hibete Toolset that can be leveraged for several differentdevelopment scenarios.""The authors show their knowledge of relational databases and the paradigmof pping this world with the object-oriented world of Java.This is why thebook is so good at explaining Hibete in the context of solving or providinga solution to the very complex problem of object/relational pping."