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《Java The Good Parts》Jim Waldo

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《Java The Good Parts》Jim Waldo
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Unearthing the Excellence in lavaJavaThe Good PartsO'REILLYProgramming Languages/JavaJava:The Good PartsWhat if you could condense Java down to its very best featuresand build better applications with that simpler version?In thisof the Java programmingbook,veteran Sun Labs engineer Jim Waldo reveals which parts ofJava are most useful,and why those features ke Java among thelanguage that are not justbest programming languages available.good,but very,very good.Every language eventually builds up crud,Java included.The corelim separates the wheatlanguage has become increasingly large and complex,and thelibraries associated with it have grown even more.Learn how tofrom the chaff,and then,take advantage of Java's best features by working with an exampleapplication throughout the book.You y not like some of theafter praising the wheat,features Jim Waldo considers good,but they'll actually help youlets you know exactly whatwrite better code.he thinks of the chaff.FunLearn how the type system and packages help you buildto read,with a few deeplarge-scale softwareinsights in every chapter."Use exceptions to ke code more reliable and easier tointain-Guy SteeleSoftware Architect,Manage memory autotically with garbage collectionOrade CorporationDiscover how the JVM provides portability,security,andnearly bug-free codeUse Javadoc to embed documentation within the codeJim Waldo,a DistinguishedEngineer with Sun Microsys-Take advantage of reusable data structures in thetems Laboratories,investigatescollections librarynext-generation,large-scaleUse Java RMI to move code and data in a distributeddistributed systems.He servednetworkas technical lead of ProjectDarkstar and as lead architectLearn how Java concurrency constructs let you exploitfor Jini.Jim is also Professormulticore processorsof the Practice of ComputerScience at Harvard University.O'REILLYRecommended for all Java developers,from beginners to advanced programmers.oreillyCAN$37.99Is8N:978-0-596-80373-552999Safari>Free online editionfor 45 days with purchase of780596803735Books Onlinethis book Details on last page.Java:The Good Parts