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《Java网络编程 第3版 Java Network Programming Third Edition》Elliotte Rusty Harold

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《Java网络编程 第3版 Java Network Programming Third Edition》Elliotte Rusty Harold
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Developing Networked Applications3rd EditionCovers Java 5.0Java NetworkProgrammingO'REILLYElliotte Rusty HaroldJavaO'REILLYJava Network Programminglava Network Programming,Third Edition,brings you up-to-date with the latestfeatures of Java's network APIs.This book discusses all the changes and additionsto networking in JDK 1.4 and 1.5(now christened J2SE 5).It covers everything fromnetworking fundamentals to remote method invocation(RMD,including chapters onTCP and UDP sockets,server sockets,URLs and URIs,multicasting,and special-purpose APIs suchas JavaMail.This book shows you how to use JSSE to write secure networking applications andexplains how to use the NIO APIs to write ultra high-perfornce servers.And it covers Java'ssupport for network proxies,web cookies,and URL caching.lava Network Programming doesn't just explain the APIs:it shows you how to put them to work.This book is full of examples;it contains thousands of lines of working code (all of which areavailable online),implementing fully functional network clients and servers.Whether you want towrite a special-purpose web server,a secure online order taker,a simple multicast agent,or evenan eil client,you'll find code that you can learn from and borrow.Whether you're an experienced network developer,a new Java programmer,or someone who justwants to see what's possible,you'll find that Java Network Programming,Third Edition is animportant part of your library.Once you've started using the Java Networking APIs,the possibilitiesare only limited by your igination.Elliotte Rusty Harold is the author of Cafe au Lait,an important online resource for Java-related"I didn't begin to understand Java networking until I found this book.".oreillyUs$39.95CAN$57.951s8N:978-0-596-00721-8539959"780596007218Java Network Programming