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《Modular Java》Craig Walls

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《Modular Java》Craig Walls
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ThePragticModular JavaCreating Flexible Applicationswith OSGi and SpringCraig WallsPrepared exclusively for Larry CormierWhat Readers Are Saying About Modular JavaCraig Walls does an awesome job in this book covering this veryimportant topic.Whether you are developing an enterprise applicationor an application to run on your cell phone,modularization is some-thing you have to ster.and I can't think of a better resource thanthis book you're holding in your hands.Dr.Venkat SubraniamJolt award-winning author and founder of Agile Developer.Well-written and interesting.I found the "hands-on"style engaging.It feels like you are in an OSGi workshop,trying out all the tools andlooking at the results...well done.Craig!Frederic DaoudAuthor.Stripes...And Java Web Development Is Fun AgainCraig does a great job covering the "why"and "how"of writing modu-lar Java web applications with OSGi in this book.Erik WeibustSenior architect,CrederaCraig takes what ny believe to be a complex subject and stripsaway the FUD immediately and then goes on to show the power andelegance of OSGi,especially when enabled with Spring for buildingenterprise-class Java applications.By king OSGi and Spring moreaccessible to Java developers everywhere.Craig does a great serviceto his whole industry.and I plan to continue to be part of the waveof developers building modular and flexible applications with thesetechnologies!Perhaps the best proof of this book's value is the factthat it was immediately practical and applicable to me in a real-worldproject,even before it was fully written!This will be the go-to book fordevelopers looking to take full advantage of these advances in softwaredevelopment.Mike NashPresident,JGlobal Ltd.Prepared exclusively for Larry CormierCraig's style is fun and easy to read,while he tackles very technicalterial.This book demystifies a topic that even experienced devel-opers struggle with.Even if you don't program in Java.this book willimprove your design thinking in how to better use components.Derek LaneCTO,Sentra,Inc.Craig has done it again!As he has in the past with technologies suchas the Spring Framework,he has sterfully crafted a book that isclear,concise,and comprehensive.Developers and architects alike willfind this to be an invaluable tool as they take Java modularization tothe next level.Paul NelsonSoftware craftanPrepared exclusively for Larry Cormier