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《Pragmatic Unit Testing In Java With Junit》Andy Hunt

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《Pragmatic Unit Testing In Java With Junit》Andy Hunt
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ThePragticProgrammersPragticUnit TestingIn Java with JUnitAndrew Hunt David ThosWhat readers are saying aboutPragtic Unit Testing..."This book starts out with a nice introduction discussingwhat unit testing is as well as why we should do it.I like theanecdotes peppered throughout the book illustrating thepoint of why one should bother....I also really liked theogies you use.It puts the code into a real-world context."Sharee L.Johnson,Project Lead,Applications Development"I wish I had a copy back when I started doing test-firstdevelopment as part of Extreme Programming."Al Koscielny,Software Developer"I'm not totally new to testing.but I've struggled with nyaspects of it.I think this book does a good job of bringingthose along who are completely new to unit testing.but stillhas enough advanced terial to assist those of us who havedabbled in testing and floundered once we've hit obstacles."Andrew Thompson,Consultant,Greenbrier Russel"When I'm on a project that needs to be doing unit testingbetter (which is often the case),I'd like to have this bookavailable as a simple reference to suggest to the team."Bobby Woolf,Consulting I/T Specialist.IBM Software Services for Websphere"I am a firm believer in unit testing and I would want allteam members I work with to be religiously practicing thetechniques recommended in this book.I think there is a lotof good.practical infortion in this book that anyprofessional software engineer should be incorporating intotheir daily work.”Lead System Design EngineerPragtic Unit Testingin Java with JUnitAndy HuntDave ThosThe Pragtic BookshelfRaleigh.North Carolina Dallas.Texas