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《Programming Google App Engine with Java》Dan Sanderson

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《Programming Google App Engine with Java》Dan Sanderson
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OREILLYProgrammingGoogleApp Enginewith JavaBUILD RUN SCALABLE JA APPS ON GOOGLE'S INFRASTRUCTUREDan SandersonOREILLYProgramming Google App Engine with JavaThis practical guide shows intermediate and advanced web and mobile The first edition ofapp developers how to build highly scalable Java applications in the cloudDan's book was a crucialwith Google App Engine.The flagship of Google's Cloud Platform.AppEngine hosts your app on infrastructure that grows autotically withresource for years whenyour traffic,minimizing up-front costs and accommodating unexpectedour team was learningvisitors.You'll learn hands-on how to perform common development tasksApp Engine.This latestwith App Engine services and development tools,including deploymentedition is even better-and intenance.it's the most completeFor Java applications,App Engine provides a J2EE standard servlet containerwith a complete Java 7 JVM and standard library.Because App Engineguide available forthose building on AppEngine,and it'll be usefulGet a hands-on introduction to App Engine's tools andto newcomers and oldfeatures,using an example applicationhats alike.”Simulate App Engine on your development chine directlyfrom Eclipse-Ben Kamenslead dev at Khan AcademyStructure your app into individually addressable modules,eachwith its own scaling configuration“Without a doubt,.theExploit the power of the scalable Cloud Datastore,usingmost comprehensive.queries,transactions,and data modeling with JPAwell-written,and up-to-Use Cloud L for standard relational databases with Appdate book written aboutEngine applicationsApp Engine.Ithink it'sLeam how to deploy,nage,and inspect your application onGoogle infrastructurefair to say that if you'veread this book cover-Dan Sanderson is a software engineer at Google Inc.He has worked in the webto-cover,you're now anindustry for over fifteen years as a software engineer and technical writer forexpert on App Engine.”Google.Azon,and the Walt Disney Internet Group.-Kevin GibbsWEB PROGRAMMINGTwitter:@oreillymediafacebook/oreillyUs$44.99ISBN:978-1-491-90020-8Programming Google App Enginewith JavaDan SandersonBeijing·Boston·Farnham·Sebastopol·TokyoOREILLY°