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《Programming PHP SECOND Edition》Rasmus Lerdorf

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《Programming PHP SECOND Edition》Rasmus Lerdorf
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Creating Dynamic Web Pages2nd EditionCovers PHP 5ProgrammingRaus Lerdorf;Kevin TatroeO'REILLYWeb ProgrammingO'REILLYProgramming PHPthe unique knowledge of the creator of PHP (Raus Lerdorf)and other PHP experts.PHP is a simple yet powerful open source scripting language for creating dynamic webcontent.The millions of web sites powered by PHP are a testament to its popularityand ease of use.PHP is used by programmers,who appreciate its flexibility and speed,and webdesigners,who value its accessibility and convenience.This book explains PHP language syntax and programming techniques in a clear and concisenner and includes examples that illustrate both correct usage and common idioms.It alsoincludes style tips and practical programming advice that will help you become not just a PHPprogrammer,but a good PHP programmer.Programming PHP,Second Edition,covers everythingyou need to know to create effective web applications with PHP.Contents include:The basics of the PHP language,including data types,variables,operators,and flow controlstatementsThe basics of functions,strings,arrays,and objectsPHP web application techniques,such as form processing and validation,session tracking,and cookiesInteracting with relational databases,such as MyL and Oracle,using the database-independent PEAR DB library and the new PDO libraryGenerating dynamic iges,creating PDF files,and parsing XML files with PHPAdvanced topics,such as creating secure scripts,error handling,perfornce tuning,andwriting your own C language extensions to PHPA handy quick reference to all the core functions in PHP and all the standard extensions thatship with PHPPraise for the first edition:"If you are just getting into the dynamic Web development world or you are consideringmigrating from anotber dynamic web product to PHP.Programming PHP is the book ofcboice to get you up,running and productive in a ort time."-eWeek"I tbink this is a great book for programmers wbo want to start developing dynamic websites with PHP.It gives a detailed overview of PHP.lots of valuable tips,and a good sense-Slashdot.org.oreillyUss39.99CAN S55.99IsBN-10:0-596-00681-0IsBN-13:978-0-596-00681-553999SafariIncludesBOOKS ONLINEFREE 45-Day9780596006815Online EditionProgramming PHP