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《Python and HDF5》Andrew Collette

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《Python and HDF5》Andrew Collette
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OREILLYPythonand HDF5UNLOCKING SCIENTIFIC DATAAndrew CollettePython and HDF5Gain hands-on experience with HDF5 for storing scientific data in "This book is a perfectPython.This practical guide quickly gets you up to speed on the details.example of a truebest practices,and pitfalls of using HDF5 to archive and share numericaldatasets ranging in size from gigabytes to terabytes.productivity andThrough real-world examples and practical exercises,you'll explore topicscreativity booster.Ifsuch as scientific datasets,hierarchically organized groups.user-definedyou thought that themetadata,and interoperable files.Examples are applicable for users ofassertion 'HDF5 is simple'both Python 2 and Python 3.If you're familiar with the basics of Pythondata ysis,this is an ideal introduction to HDF5.was just a sick joke,Ipromise,this book willGet set up with HDF5 tools and create your first HDF5 fileWork with datasets by learning the HDF5 Dataset object-Gerd HeberApplications Architect at The HDF GroupUnderstand advanced features like dataset chunking andcompressionLearn how to work with HDF5's hierarchical structure.usingAndrew Collette is a laboratorygroupsresearch scientist at the Universityof Colorado and holds a Ph.D.inCreate self-describing files by adding metadata with HDF5physics from UCLA.Having workedattributeswith the Python-NumPy-HDF5Take advantage of HDF5's type system to create interoperablestack at two multimillion-dollarresearch facilities,Andrew is afilesleading developer of the HDF5 forExpress relationships among data with references.namedPython(h5py)project.types,and dimension scalesDiscover how Python mechanis for writing parallel codeinteract with HDF5StrataStrata is the emerging ecosystem of people,tools,and technologies that turn big datainto art decisions.Find infortion andMaking Data Workresources at oreilly/data.PYTHON PROGRAMMINGTwitter:@oreillymediafacebook/oreillyUss29.99CAN$31.99ISBN:978-1-449-36783-1O'REILLY*StrataLearn how to turnMaking Data Workdata into decisions.From startups to the Fortune 500,art companies are betting ondata-driven insight,seizing theopportunities that are emergingfrom the convergence of fourpowerful trends:⊕New methods of collecting,naging,and yzing dataCloud computing that offers inexpensive storage and flexible,on-dend computing power for ssive data setsVisualization techniques that turn complex data into igesthat tella compelling storyTools that ke the power of data available to anyoneGet control over big data and turn it into insight withO'Reilly's Strata offerings.Find the inspiration andinfortion to create new products or revive existing ones,understand customer behavior,and get the data edge.O'REILLYVisit oreilly/data to learn more.