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《Python Cookbook 2nd Edition》Alex Martelli

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《Python Cookbook 2nd Edition》Alex Martelli
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2nd EditionCovers Python 2.3 2.4PythoriCookbookAlex Martelli,O'REILLYAnna Martelli RavenscroftG David AscherPythonO'REILLYPython CookbookPython is well-known as a robust and elegant language,with support for both functionaland object-oriented programming styles.When you choose to use Python,however,you get more than just a language-you also become part of an incredibly enthusiasticand supportive community of Python programmers who reach out to help each otherlearn and grow in their use of the language.Pytbon Cookbook,2nd Edition is just one tangiblenifestation of that Python community.In it,you'll find practical solutions to ny commonPython programming problems.These solutions come from the community,from Pythonprogrammers who for ny years have contributed to the online Python Cookbook hosted bycontributed,reviewed,enhanced,and now brought together in book form.Here is just a sampling of the ny topic areas covered by the more than 300 recipes in this book:Searching and sorting·Web programming·Manipulating text。Network programmingWorking with filesProcessing XMLObject-oriented programmingDistributed programmingMultithreaded programmingDebugging and testingSystem administrationMetaprogrammingSolutions in this book are organized by topic area.All of the chapters begin with introductionswritten by well-known Python luminaries such as:Facundo Batista,David Beazley,Donn Cave,FredL.Drake,Jr.,Paul F.Dubois,Mark Hammond,Raymond Hettinger,Jeremy Hylton,Fredrik Lundh,MarkLutz,Andy McKay,Gustavo Niemeyer,Tim Peters,Paul Prescod,Aaron Watters,and Greg Wilson.This book is a treasure trove of useful code for all Python programmers,from novices toadvanced practitioners.It's a gift,from the community to you.By purchasing this book,you arealso giving back to the community:25 percent of all royalties from this book are donated to thePython Software Foundation.The recipes in Pytbon Cookbook,2nd Edition were edited by Alex Martelli,also the author ofPytbon in a Nulell;Anna Martelli Ravenscroft,an avid Python user and frequent conferencespeaker;and David Ascher of ActiveState,coauthor of Learning Pytbon.The book contains aforeword by Guido van Rossum,the creator of Python..oreillyUss49.95CAN S69.95IsBN-10:0-596-00797-31sBN-13:978-0-596-00797-354995SafariIncludesBOOKS ONLINEFREE 45-Day9780596007973ENABLEDOnline EditionPython Cookbook"