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《Python for Data Analysis 2nd Edition》Wes McKinney

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《Python for Data Analysis 2nd Edition》Wes McKinney
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2nd EditionPython forData AnalysisDATA WRANGLING WITH PANDAS,NUMPY,AND IPYTHONpowered by●JupyterWes McKinneyOREILLYPython for Data AnalysisGet complete instructions for nipulating.processing.cleaning.and "Already a classic of thecrunching datasets in Python.Updated for Python 3.6,the second editionPython data ecosystem,of this hands-on guide is packed with practical case stus that show youhow to solve a broad set of data ysis problems effectively.You'll learnthis new edition isthe latest versions of pandas,NumPy,IPython,and Jupyter in the process.updated in key areasWritten by Wes McKinney,the creator of the Python pandas project,thisthat enhance its uniquebook is a practical.modern introduction to data science tools in Python.value,from Python 3.6It's ideal for ysts new to Python and for Python programmers new toto the latest features indata science and scientific computing.Data files and related terial areavailable on GitHub.pandas.By explainingthe why and how ofUse the IPython shell and Jupyter Notebook for exploratoryPython's data tools,computingthis book helps theLearn basic and advanced features in NumPy (Numericalreader learn to use themPython)effectively in new andGet started with data ysis tools in the pandas librarycreative ways.It is anUse flexible tools to load,clean,transform.merge,and reshapedataessential part of anyCreate infortive visualizations with tplotlibmodern library of data-Apply the pandas groupby facility to slice.dice.and sumrizeintensive computing."datasets-Fernando PerezAssistant Professor of Statistics,Analyze and nipulate regular and irregular time series dataUC Berkeley.IPythoncreator andLearn how to solve real-world data ysis problems withthorough,detailed examplesWes McKinney is the creator of pandas,the popular open source Python libraryfor data ysis.He is an active public speaker and open source Python andC++developer in the Python data science community and the Apache SoftwareFoundation.He works as a software architect in New York City.Twitter:@oreillymediafacebook/oreillyCAN S65.99IsBN:978-1-491-95766-04966SECOND EDITIONPython for Data AnalysisData Wrangling with Pandas,NumPy,and IPythonWes McKinneyBeijing·Boston·Farnham·Sebastopol·TokyoO'REILLY