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《Python in a Nutshell 2nd Edition》Alex Martelli

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《Python in a Nutshell 2nd Edition》Alex Martelli
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2nd EditionRevised and ExpandedPYTHONIN A NUTSHELLA Desktop Quick ReferenceO'REILLYAlex MartelliProgramming/PythonPYTHON IN A NUTSHELLPython in a Nutshell is recommended for Pytbon novices,experts andPytbon language.In the spirit of "batteries included,"tbe standardlibrary is documented by its intended use along witb simple but illustrativeexamples.The clear writing style kes this book a pleasure to read.-Jeffery D.Collins,Development Lead,Microsoft CorporationThis book offers Python programmers one place to look when they need helpremembering or deciphering the syntax of this open source language and its nypowerful but scantily documented modules.This comprehensive reference guidekes it easy to look up the most frequently needed infortion-not just aboutthe Python language itself,but also the most frequently used parts of the standardlibrary and the most important third-party extensions.deals with the most frequently used parts of the standard library,and the mostpopular and important third party extensions.Revised and expanded for Python 2.5,this book now contains the gory details of Python's new subprocess module andbreaking news about Microsoft's new IronPython project.Our "Nutshell"fortfits Python perfectly by presenting the highlights of the most important modulesand functions in its standard library,which cover over 90 percent of your practicalprogramming needs.This book includes:A fast-paced tutorial on the syntax of the Python languageAn explanation of object-oriented programming in PythonCoverage of iterators,generators,exceptions,modules,packages,strings,andregular expressionsA quick reference for Python's built-in types and functions and key modulesReference terial on important third-party extensions,such as Numeric andTkinterInfortion about extending and embedding Pythonthat programmers rely on the most.This book will immediately earn its place inany Python programmer's library.O'REILLY.oreillyUs$39.99CAN S51.99IsBN:978-0-596-1D046-953999SafariIncludesBOOKS ONLINEFREE 45-Day9780596100469Online EditionPYTHONIN A NUTSHELLSecond EditionAlex MartelliO'REILLYBeijing'Cambridge·Farnham~Kolh·Sebastopol·Tokyo