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《Thinking in C++ Volume 2 2nd Edition》Bruce Eckel

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《Thinking in C++ Volume 2 2nd Edition》Bruce Eckel
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Thinking in C++,Volume 2,2nd EditionLast Updated September 20,1999.Revision HistoryBruce Eckel,President,MindView,Inc.Planet PDFPlanet PDF brings you the Portable DocumentFort(PDF)version of Thinking in C++Volume 2(2nd Edition).Planet PDF is the premier PDF-related site on the web.There is news,software,white papers,interviews,product reviews,Weblinks,code samples,a forum,and regular articley ny of the most prominent and respected PDFexperts in the world.Visit our sites for more detail:://.planetpdf/://.codecuts/://.pdfforum://.pdfstore/Thinking in C++2nd editionVolume 2:Standard LibrariesAdvanced TopicsTo be informed of future releases ofthis document and other infortion about object-oriented books,documents,seminars and CDs,subscribe to my free newsletter.Just send anyeil to:join-eckel-oo-programming@earth.lyris.net"This book is a tremendous achievement.You owe it to yourself to have acopy on your shelf.The chapter on iostreams is the most comprehensive andunderstandable treatment of that subject I've seen to date."Al StevensContributing Editor,Doctor Dobbs Journal"Eckel's book is the only one to so clearly explain how to rethink programconstruction for object orientation.That the book is also an excellent tutorialon the ins and outs of C++is an added bonus."Andrew BinstockEditor,Unix Review"Bruce continues to aze me with his insight into C++,and Thinking inC++is his best collection of ideas yet.If you want clear answers to difficultquestions about C++,buy this outstanding book."Gary EntingerAuthor,The Tao of Objects"Thinking in C++patiently and methodically explores the issues of when andhow to use inlines,references,operator overloading,inheritance and dynamicobjects,as well as advanced topics such as the proper use of templates,exceptions and multiple inheritance.The entire effort is woven in a fabric thatincludes Eckel's own philosophy of object and program design.A must forevery C++developer's bookshelf,Thinking in C++is the one C++book youmust have if you're doing serious development with C++."Richard Hale ShawContributing Editor,PC Magazine