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《Using JRuby》Charles O Nutter

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《Using JRuby》Charles O Nutter
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Using JRubyBringing Ruby to JavaCharles O Nutter.Thos Enebo.Ola Bini.andIan DeesForewords byand Bruce TateThe Facetsof Ruby SeriesWhat Readers Are Saying About Using JRubyI was very happy to discover the JRuby project,my favorite program-ming language running on what's probably the best virtual chinein the world.This book really covers every in and out of this fantasticproject.Peter LindTechnical consultant,ValtechI was floored by the amount of technical detail the authors nagedto cram in here!And they did it with such an approachable and read-able tone that this book was both easy and fun to read.I can't remem-ber the last technical book that did that for me.The breadth of cover-age is astounding.too.Kent R.SpillnerMy JRuby apps will go live in two weeks.Without your book and theRuby community,I would never have gotten this far.Pinit AsavanuchitIntersol Consulting Co.,Ltd.I really liked the clear structure of the book and all the coveredlibraries/dependencies (like Rake,Ant,Maven,testing frameworks).This clearly outlines the whole JRuby universe so that new users willimmediately see what's available and how to start using it.Senior engineer.OracleThis book will open the eyes of any Java programmer who wants totake their art to the next level.Read it.Geoff DrakeOwner.Managed DesignThis is one of those books that you don't want to put down and youcan't wait to get back to.For a technical publication,that is extremelyrare.Usually I find myself having a hard time trying to stay awake.After reading this book,I can say I have a very good understanding ofwhat JRuby is.how it interacts with Java.and a working knowledgeof ny of the supporting tools to accomplish a wide range of tasks.The way this book is organized.it kes a great reference for futuredevelopment.Gale StraneySenior software design engineer,TektronixThis book kes a compelling case for JRuby.A must-have to bringsome Ruby goodness to your Java powerhouse.Fred DaoudAuthor,Stripes...and Java Web Development Is Fun Again,andGetting Started with Apache ClickThis book is an excellent resource for JRuby and will without a doubtfacilitate JRuby adoption in Java-centric enterprises.Bharat RuparelSenior infortion architect,America's Test Kitchen