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《Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt》Mark Summerfield

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《Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt》Mark Summerfield
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PRENTICE HALL OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT SERIESRapid GUIProgrammingwith Python and QtMark SummerfieldRapid GUI Programmingwith Python and QtPrentice HallOpen Source Software Development SeriesArnold Robbins,Series Editor"Real world code from real world applications"Open Source technology has revolutionized the computing world.Many large-scale projects are inproduction use worldwide,such as Apache,MyL,and Postgres,with programmers writing applicationsin a variety of languages including Perl,Python,and PHP.These technologies are in use on ny differentsystems,ranging from proprietary systems,to Linux systems,to traditional UNIX systems,to inframes.The Prentice Hall Open Source Software Development Series is designed to bring you the best of theseOpen Source technologies.Not only will you learn how to use them for your projects,but you will learnfrom them.By seeing real code from real applications,you will learn the best practices of Open Sourcedevelopers the world over.Titles currently in the series include:SELinux by ExampleSteve BestFrank Mayer,David Caplan,Karl MacMillan0131492470,Paper,©20060131963694,Ppcr,©2007The Definitive Guide to the Xen HypervisorDavid ChisnallAlfredo Mendoza,Chakarat Skawratananond,013234971X,Hard,©2008Artis WalkerJoshua Eichorn0132216353,Paper,,@2007Mark Ramm,Kevin Dangoor,Gigi Sayfan0132433885,Pper,©2007The Linux Programmer's ToolboxJohn Fusco0132198576,Paper,©20070131429647,Ppe5,©2004Embedded Linux PrimerChristopher Hallinan0131679848,Paper,©2007Claudia Salzberg,Gordon Fischer,The Apache Modules BookSteven SmolskiNick Kew0131181637,hper©20060132409674,Paper,©2007Mark Summerfield0132354187,Hard,©2008New to the series:Digital Short CutsShort Cuts are short,concise,PDF documents designed specifically for busy technical professionals likeyou.Each Short Cut is tightly focused on a specific technology or technical problem.Written by industryexperts and best selling authors,Short Cuts are published with you in mind-getting you the technicalinfortion that you need-now.Christopher HallinanJoshua Eichorn0131580132.Adobe Acrobat PDF 20070132337932,Adobe Acrobat PDE 2007Christopher Hallinan0132335921,Adobe Acrobat PDF 2007