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《RESTful Java with JAX-RS 2.0 2nd Edition》Bill Burke

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《RESTful Java with JAX-RS 2.0 2nd Edition》Bill Burke
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O'REILLYRESTful Javawith JAXRS 20DESIGNING AND DEVELOPING DISTRIBUTED WEB SERVICESBill BurkeO'REILLYRESTful Java with JAX-RS 2.0Learn how to design and develop distributed web services in Java,using"In this comprehensiveRESTful architectural principles and the JAX-RS 2.0 specification in Javaintroduction to RESTfulEE 7.This updated second edition focuses on implementation rather thantheory and demonstrates how easy it is to get started with services basedarchitecture,Bill playson the REST architecture.to his strengths andWith the book's technical guide,you'll learn how REST and JAX-RS workexperience in Enterpriseand when to use them.The RESTEasy workbook that follows providesJava and delivers astep-by-step instructions for installing.configuring,and running severalworking JAX-RS examples,using the JBoss RESTEasy implementation ofcompelling story that isJAX-RS 2.0both seeded in theoryand proven in practice."Learn JAX-RS 2.0 features,including a client APl,server-side-Andrew Lee Rubingerasynchronous HTTP,and filters and interceptorsDeveloper Advocate and ProgramManager.JBoss by Red HatExamine the design of a distributed RESTful intece for ane-commerce order entry systemUse the JAX-RS Response object to return complex responsesto your client(ResponseBuilder)Increase the perfornce of your services by leveraging HTTPcaching protocolsDeploy and integrate web services within Java EE 7.servletcontainers,EJB,Spring,and JPALearn popular mechanis to perform authentication on theWeb,including client-side SSL and OAuth 2.0Bill Burke,a Fellow at Red Hat.Inc,is a long time JBoss contributor and archi-tect.He represents Red Hat on the JAX-RS JSR expert committee and leads theRESTEasy open source project.Bill has numerous articles and books,includingJA /PROGRAMMING LANGUAGESTwitter:@oreillymediafacebook/oreillyUss39.99CAN41.99ISBN:978-1-449-36134-1SECOND EDITIONRESTful Java with JAX-RS 2.0Bill BurkeBeijing·Cambridge·Farnham·Koln·Sebastopol·TokyoOREILLY