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《深入解析C# 第2版 C# in Depth Second Edition》.Jon Skeet

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《深入解析C# 第2版 C# in Depth Second Edition》.Jon Skeet
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Covers C#4IN DEPTHSECOND EDITIONJon SkeetFOREWORD BY ERIC LIPPERTPraise for the First Editiondevelopers who think they know everything there is to know about the C#language willto-cover read,and will be a handy desktop reference as well.I recommend this book toanyone who wants to become a C#expert.-Alvin Ashcraft,DZone review-Craig Pelkie,Author,System iNetworkI have been developing in C#from the very beginning and this book had some nice sur-prises even for me.I was especially impressed with the excellent coverage of delegates,oper,C#in Depth will teach you something new about the C#language...This booktruly has depth that no other C#language book can touch.-Adam J.WolfSoutheast Valley .NET User GroupI actually found it very easy to engage into the whole lambda expressions topic andreally liked the chapter about lambda expressions.-Jose Rolando Guay PazWeb Developer,CSW SolutionsThis book wraps up the author's great knowledge of the inner workings of C#andhands it over to readers in a well-written,concise,usable book.-Jim HolmesAuthor of Windows Developer Power ToolsEvery term is used appropriately and in the right context,every example is spot-onand contains the least amount of code that shows the full extent of the feature...this-Franck Jeannin,Azon UK reviewerIf you have developed using C#for several years now,and would like to know the inter-nals,this book is absolutely right for you.-Golo Roden,Author,Speaker,andTrainer for NET and related technologiesMore Praise for the First EditionIf there's one must-have book for.NET developers,this is it.Jon Skeet provides every--Luigi Zambetti,Developer,MilanThis book is the best C#reference money can buy at the moment.-Jan Van Ryswyck,ElegantCodeJon Skeet's writing style is dear and concise and he's got lots of great examples.-Peter Kellner,BloggerA first-class book about C#.-Teemu Keiski,ASP.NET MVP,AspInsiderBecome a C#3 estro!-Fabrice Marguerie,C#MVP,author of LINO in ActionThe best C#book I've ever read.-Chris Mullins,C#MVPClear and concise.-Robin Shahan.GoldMailA treat!-Anil Radhakrishna,ASP.NET MVPSo good,it hurts my head.-I.D.Conley,Hive7 Inc.Enriches the beginner,polishes the expert.