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《李小龙技击法·第三册:高级技术 英文版》李小龙编著

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《李小龙技击法·第三册:高级技术 英文版》李小龙编著
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LITERARY LINKS TO THE ORIENTADVANCED TECHNIQUESBEST SELLER249,000 copies sold in seven languagADVANCED TECHNIQUESbyBRUCE LEE and M.UYEHARAOHARA PUBLICATIONS.INCORPORATEDBRUCE LEE李振落BRUCE LEE-1940-1973Bruce Lee flashed brilliantly like a meteor through the world ofrtial arts and motion pietures.Then,on July 20,1973,in HongKong,like a meteor-he vanished,extinguished by sudden death.He was just 32.Bruce Lee began his rtial arts stus with wing chun,underthe tutelage of the late Yip Man,to alleviate the personalinsecurity instilled by Hong Kong city life.Perhaps because histraining enveloped him to the point of fanatici,he waseventually able to refine,distill and ture into a philosopher,technician and innovator of the rtial arts.After intensive study of different rtial arts styles andtheories,Lee developed a concept of rtial arts for the individualn.This concept he later labeled Jeet Kune Do,the way of theintercepting fist.It has antecedents not only in his physicaltraining and voluminous rtial arts library (over two thousandbooks),but in his forl education as well(a philosophy jor atthe University of Washington,Seattle).Lee also combined his rtial arts expertise with his knowledgeof acting skills and cinetic techniques,starring in several motionpictures:The Big Boss,Fists of Fury,Way of the Dragon andEnter the Dragon.Bruce Lee's death plunged both rtial arts and film enthusiastsinto an abyss of lief.Out of their growing dend to knowWARNINGmore of and about him,his Tao of Jeet Kune Do waspublished-which is now followed by BRUCE LEE'S FIGHTINGMETHOD.This fourth in a series of volumes,which has been compiled andorganized by his longtime friend,M.Uyehara,utilizes some of theny thousands of pictures from Lee's personal photo files.Uyehara is a former student of Bruce Lee.