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Java语言程序设计 进阶篇 英文版·第8版_(美)梁(LiangY.D.)著_9787111361251

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Java语言程序设计 进阶篇 英文版·第8版_(美)梁(LiangY.D.)著_9787111361251
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iv权威的作者、经典的教材、一流的译者、严格的审校、精细的编辑,这些因素使我们的图书有了质量的保证。随着计算机科学与技术专业学科建设的不断完善和教材改革的逐渐深化,教育界对国外计算机教材的需求和应用都将步入一个新的阶段,我们的目标是尽善尽美,而反馈的意见正是我们达到这一终极目标的重要帮助。华章公司欢迎老师和读者对我们的工作提出建议或给予指正,我们的联系方法如下:华章网站:.book电子邮件:jsj(@book联系电话:(010)88379604联系地址:北京市西城区百万庄南街1号华章教育邮政编码:100037华章科技图书出版中心PREFACEThis book uses the fundamentals-first approach and teaches programming concepts and tech-niques in a problem-driven way.The fundamentals-first approach introduces basic programming concepts and techniquesfundamentals-firstbefore objects and classes.My own experience,confirmed by the experiences of ny col-leagues,demonstrates that new programmers in order to succeed must learn basic logic andfundamental programming techniques such as loops and stepwise refinement.The fundamen-tal concepts and techniques of loops,methods,and arrays are the foundation for program-ming.Building the foundation prepares students to learn object-oriented programming.GUL,database,and Web programming.Problem-driven means focused on problem solving rather than syntax.We ke introducto-problem-drivenry programming interesting by using interesting problems.The central thread of early chaptersis on problem solving.Appropriate syntax and library are introduced to support the writing ofa program for solving the problems.To support the teaching of programming in a problem-driven way,the book provides a wide variety of problems at various levels of difficulty to mo-tivate students.In order to appeal to students in all jors,the problems cover nyapplication areas in th,science,business,financials,gaming,anition,and multimedia.Two Versionscomprehensive versionming,GUI programming,algorithms and data structures,concurrency,networking,internation-alization,advanced GUI,database,and Web programming.It is designed to prepare students tobecome proficient Java programmers.A briefversion(Introduction to Java Programming,Briefbrief versionVersion,Eighth Edition)is available for a first course on programmingmonly known asCS1.The brief version contains the first 20 chapters of the comprehensive version.What's New in This Edition?This edition substantially improves Introduction to Java Programming,Seventh Edition.Thejor improvements are as follows:This edition is completely revised in every detail to enhance clarity,presentation,content,complete revisionexamples,and exercises.In the examples and exercises,which are provided to motivate and stimulate student inter-est in programming,one-fifth of the problems are new.new problemsIn the previous edition,console input was covered at the end of Chapter 2.The new edition in-early console inputtroduces console input early in Chapter 2 so that students can write interactive programs early.The hand trace box is added for ny programs to help novice students to read and tracehand trace boxprograms.Single-dimensional arrays and multidimensional arrays are covered in two chapters to givemultidimensional arraysinstructors the flexibility to cover multidimensional arrays later.The case study for the Sudoku problem has been moved to the Companion Website.ASudoku problem simplifiedmore pedagogically effective simple version of the Sudoku problem is presented instead.The design of the API for Java GUI programming is an excellent example of how theobject-oriented principle is applied.Students leam better with concrete and visual examples.日本书影印版将完全版分为基础篇和进阶篇。基础篇对应原书的第1~20章,进阶篇对应原书的第