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《艺术文化经济学 第二版 英文版The Economics of Art and Culture Second Edition》Heilbrun, James

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《艺术文化经济学 第二版 英文版The Economics of Art and Culture Second Edition》Heilbrun, James
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The Economics ofArt and CultureEdited by James Heilbrunand Charles M.GrayCAMBRIDGEmore infortion-.cambridge.org/0521631505This page intentionally left blankThe Economics of Art and CultureThis is the first book to cover not only the economics of thefine arts and performing arts,but also public policy towardthe arts at federal,state,and local levels in the United StatesThe second edition offers greater coverage of the interna-tional arts sector.The work will interest academic readersseeking a core text on the economics of the arts and arts n-agement or a supplementary text on the sociology of the arts,as well as general readers seeking a systetic ysis of thearts.Theoretical concepts are developed from scratch so thatreaders with no background in economics can follow theargument.The authors look at the arts'historical growth and thenexamine consumption and production of the live perform-ing arts and the fine arts,the functioning of arts rkets,the financial problems of performing arts companies andmuseums,and the key role of public policy.A final chapterspeculates about the future of art and culture in the UnitedStates.James Heilbrun is Professor Emeritus of Economics atFordham University.He has been a consultant to theNational Endowment for the Arts and is the author of UrbanEconomics and Public Policy (1987)and Real Estate Taxesand Urban Housing (1966).Charles M.Gray is Professor of Economics in the GraduateSchool of Business at the University of Saint Thos,Minneapolis,Minnesota.He is a nonprofit nagement con-sultant and the editor of The Costs of Crime (1979),and hehas written on various aspects of the economics of the arts